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Chapter Six

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed as I landed on the floor and dropped my phone when the man accidentally bumped me.

"Oh, I'm very s-sorry" he apologized to me while stuttering, a hint of scared on his voice.

He immediately stood up and bowed at me as he also picked up his phone that he dropped when we bumped with each other and ran outside the dance studio without even helping me to stand up because of panic.

"Why is he so scared?" I asked to myself as soon as I stood up and picked up my phone.

I actually think that I heard that voice somewhere because it's very familiar to me.

It's just sad that I didn't saw the man's face because of his hood and mask but he is also wearing a glasses.

I removed the man from my mind for a while and started inspecting the dance studio.

The mirror is also covered with curtain so I took it off and look at my own reflection on the mirror.

I remembered myself dancing in front of my schoolmates, performing at the Kpop festival in school.

Me and my group mates are performing Blue Hour that time and I'm portraying Yeonjun or I'm following Yeonjun since he is also my bias hehe.

We practiced the dance for 1 and a half month and we practice at the dance studio near the school every after school or if we have vacant time, especially every weekend.

I always look at my reflection on the mirror and ask myself if do I belong with them to dance?

I actually love to dance but my sister and other judgmental people around me always says that I don't have the talent for dancing because I don't have a flexible body or I can't reach other dancers levels or how good they dance.

But I always practice in front of the mirror until I become confident about my dancing skills and joined different dance group or competitions.

After a few realizations, decided to go home because its almost dark and it's already 5:45 pm when I saw the time in my watch.

I brought back the curtain that I took off earlier and started to walk towards the door.

My phone suddenly vibrates, so I assume that someone texted me or just a notification.

I took my phone out of my pocket and open it if someone really texted me or it's just a notification that popped up.

I turned on the screen of the phone and I was shocked that it isn't my phone because the wallpaper is different and the case, and also the phone.

"Dang it" I whispered as I thought of the man who bumped me earlier.

I think that we switched our phone because we both dropped it earlier and he just picks up his phone without looking because of panic.

The questions on my mind  just now are, who is that man? Where is my phone? and why does his wallpaper is Soobin?

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Accckkk, oh my, the concept photos are sooo😱😱😱

I can't explain it, there is no words to explain it as in, oh my goshhh, they're killing mee😭💕



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