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Chapter Thirty-eight

After I talked to the doctor, I immediately went to Ami.

When I reached her bed, I saw her laying down on the hospital bed with a cast on her hand and some bruises especially the one on her head, covered with a plaster.

"H-Hey cous, how a-are you?" I asked her but I can't help but to stutter.

"I'm fine Moya, don't worry too much" she answered me with a smile.

"Okay, just tell me if you need anything and did you already call your mom? Informing her of what happened, since you know my phone is uhh" I asked.

"Not yet and it's okay, did you already went to the police station to talk to the driver?" she answered and asked about the driver, I actually forgot about it.

"Shit, good thing you told me, I really forgot about it and I went to you first because I was so worried" I explained to Ami.

"Oh you should go to the police station now" Ami said while signaling me to go.

"What? No! I won't leave you alone in here, look at you, you're laying down on a bed and no one will be here with you" I didn't realize that I raised my voice a little to her, causing me to apologise.

"But what about-" I cut her off.

"Look Am, just rest and get well as soon as possible okay? I'll be the one to handle those things so don't worry, I will go to the police station after you'll be transfered to your room and maybe the police will be the one to come here since they also need to interoggate you" I explained.

"Okay, fine" Ami answered, defeated.

"Well, let me borrow your phone first, I'll inform your mom about this" I said since you know, my phone is still yeah.

"Oh it's on my bag" Ami answered and pointed her bag on the table beside her bed.

I stood up from my seat and went to get Ami's phone to call her mother.

When I finally got the phone, I dialed her mom's phone and after a few rings, it was finally answered.

[Hi, darling] Auntie Mia, Ami's mom answered on the other line.

"Hello, Auntie. This is Mollie" I answered as I introduce myself because maybe she thought I was Ami.

[Oh Elle! You called, is there something wrong? And not to sound rude haha but why would you use Ami's phone? You have yours and you still have my phone number right] Aunt Mia responded and slightly giggle about it. They call me Elle since it's my nickname from my name, Mollie YazteriELLE.

"Ahh well, I lost my phone Auntie so I'm borrowing Ami's phone for the mean time and I'm also here to inform you something about your daughter" I explained.

[Oh hehe sorry dear and what about her? Is my duaghter going to get married?! Oh my God!] I heard Aunti exclaimed on the other line which made me lose my balance.

"W-What?! Oh no! She's not Auntie, Oh God!" I defended as I massage my forehead, Ami's mom is so hyped up.

[Oh sorry, so what is it dear? Did something bad happen?] Ami's Mom apologised and then asked, causing me to sweat in fear.

"Well, uhh please don't be shocked or please don't panic about this Auntie" I said first to assure her, oh my gosh.

[Okay, okay, I'mma get ready] I heard her said on the other line.

"Okay Auntie, the thing that I want to say about Ami is, she got on a car accident" I explained but my voice sounds lower at the end, I'm afraid that Aunti Mia will freak out.

[What is it dear? I'm sorry, I can't hear you clearly] Auntie Mia said on the other line.

"Auntie, Ami got on a car accident" I said clearly as my heart beats faster.

[Ohh, oki so Ami got into a car-, car what?! A car accident?!] I heard her scream on the other which I decided to put the phone farther to my ear.

"Yes Auntie, she's in the hospital right now and I'm very sorry about it..." I said and I felt guilty.

[Oh God, what am I gonna do? Ami that kid, don't worry too much dear okay? Is it that bad? Is she okay now? How did it happened? Should I go to Korean immediately? Or should I send her brother? What-] Auntie Mia is panicking right now so I cute her off.

"Auntie please calm down, Ami is fine and she only got a minor injury so don't worry too much, you also don't need to come here, I can handle it" I assured Aunti and make her calm down.

[Oh okay, thank you so much dear] Aunti said.

"Of course Auntie, no problem" I answered.

[Please inform me okay? And please tell Ami to call me so I can talk to that kid, thank you again Elle] Auntie Mia said as she bid her goodbye.

"Yes, I will Auntie, goodbye" I said and hung up.

I came back to Ami's bed after I talked to her Mom about what happened.

I was about to gave Ami's phone back but someone messaged her that caught my attention.

"What is it cous?" she asked out of confusion why I didn't hand her phone back.

"The man I switched phone with, messaged you using my number again yeah" I explained as I opened the message.

— - — - —

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Omg I updated again, I haven't gone online for days so I haven't post an update and I'm sorry about it.

End is very very near so don't worry hehe.

I also want to apologize about my mistakes and errors in the story and especially in the part where I talk about hospital and police stuff, please correct me if I'm wrong.


Thank you again and happy reading besties😘


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