Chapter 1: Orange

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A/N - You are probably here because the previous upload of this story has been removed. I'm sorry if that is an inconvenience to you. It was a bit jarring to find that one of my most popular series was uploaded here without my permission. In the future, while crediting the original author in the upload is nice, it's best to ask before posting their work out of respect to that content creator. We all work very hard to provide the fandom awesome content for free so recognition where it is due is super important to us.

Anyway, sorry again & enjoy the story!

Could this day go by any slower?

I would've thought that it being busy would make the day go by quicker, but that pass minute seemed like an hour. I guess it's just my nerves messing with me again because of my audition later on today; I haven't had a legit dance audition in like 3 weeks! The last couple times I've gone, they ended up being auditions for strippers. I mean, how was I supposed to know exotic dancers weren't the ones who dressed up in war paint and did the rain dance or were involved with the Broadway version of Lion King?

Anyway I was open to it, but my best friend Quinn said that I was better than some amateur dancing on a pole and that I need to keep looking for that 'big break'. She's always looking out for me, even in high school she helped tutor me in pretty much all my subjects and got me the job here at The Coffee Shop. What an original name, right? Well, that's what Quinn said when she first told me about it, but I like it. It's straight to the point, when I hear the name; I know exactly what I'd find there.

"Britt, there goes your girl." Quinn teased as she pointed at the door of the coffee shop with her chin. My eyes shot to the glass door where in fact she was approaching. "Here she comes.." She cheered as she hopped in place like a little puppy that had to pee really bad. I rolled my eyes and bit my lip. I instantly felt my palms heat up and my heart race pick up, I even had that queasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. It's times like these when I regret telling her about who I found attractive; it's like endless taunting with her.

"Quinn..stop." I begged but she was already making her way to the cash register.

I heard the bells clink signaling that she had indeed come in. I stuffed the dish towel that I was using to wipe down the counters in my apron pocket and tried to sneak into the back room. I thought by tip toeing like on those spy movies I used to watch with my sister would reduce my chance of getting caught, but I guess not.

"Oh no-no, get back here." I froze in my steps and slowly looked over my shoulder to find her staring at me with her hands on her hips.

"Britt.." She narrowed her eyes at me and flicked her head to the side, motioning to come stand by her.

I dropped my shoulders and dragged my feet over to where she was standing.

"I'm tired of watching you stare longingly at her every time she comes in." She said sternly in a low voice so that only I could hear her. "You're talking to her today and that's that."

I looked past her and saw the Latina move to the back of the line; from her usual outfit of knee length skirts, blazers, and the way she clung to her briefcase, I assumed she was some type of lawyer or worked in some big business. I looked over at the clock that hung on the back wall; 9:30am, right on schedule.

"Come on, Britt, quit staring and help me."

"B-but.." I tried to pout and put on my best puppy dog eyes. I'm already nervous and the Latina hasn't even looked at me yet, who knows what would happen if she made me talk to her. Quinn just laughed and rolled her eyes.

"Like that works on me anymore." She teased and turned to face the customer two people ahead of a certain girl that Quinn was currently bugging me about.

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