Chapter 16: Christmas Eve

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2 Weeks Later;

"Britt, what are you doing" Quinn asked with her hand on her hip quirking an eyebrow up at me. I was standing on Bella's stool that she uses when she brushes her teeth in front of the fridge trying to attach the mistletoe I bought to the ceiling. I had my arms out stretched to its furthest as I strained to pin the bundle up.

"Hanging the mistletoe, duh.." I replied once I pressed the thumbtack in and took a step down from the stool admiring my work.

"Usually people hang it in like doorways or something, but in front of the fridge?" She asked with her forehead crinkled and a smirk on her lips. "I'm not getting it.."

"First of all, doorways are way too easy!" I exclaimed picking up the stool and walking around the set of counters that divided the kitchen from the living room. "And second, Sam is always in our fridge and you're always right behind him telling him to not touch your bacon so.." I sent her a sly smile as I walked off to put the stool back leaving Quinn with her jaw dropped and yelling after me to take it down. Oh the perks of being the tallest one in the house, even standing on the stool Quinn can't touch the ceiling like I can. It was time for me to start giving her the little push that she needs to get things going with Sam. I can tell she's lonely sometimes, and I know Sam would do anything for her so what's the problem?

Actually, now that I think about it Quinn and Sam's friendship is sort of like me and Santana's. Like Sam, I would do anything for Santana whether I'd like to admit to that or not. But like Quinn, Santana's been hurt and it's gunna take more than a few pats on the shoulder to fix them. Either way, we have pretty solid friendships and I've always thought that the best relationships stem from friendships. And judging from how happy Quinn was from her "Not-Date" with Sam, they're time was coming! I just hope that me and Santana's is following close behind.

"Britty, where can I put this?" Bella asked holding up a long rope of red garland as I walked out from her room. She was practically buried up to her knees in the stuff!

"Hm, we could put some around that?" I suggested, pointing a finger to the column near the front door. "And maybe hang a little over there?" I said pointing over to the kitchen counters that acted as a dividing wall for the kitchen and living room. Her face lit up as she started twirling around with the garlands in her hands. I smiled down at the girl who had successfully tied herself up in the decorations.

"Can you just stay young forever?" Quinn cooed as she lifted the girl from the garlands and into a tight hug, Bella's legs swinging from side to side as her mother spun them around.

"Mommy!" Bella giggled as she clung to Quinn's neck. I stood over to the side just watching their cuteness.

"Alright you two, "I called interrupting their mother daughter moment, "We've got 3 hours to get this place ready for the party tonight. Plus, we still need to figure out what we're cooking for dinner."

"You mean what I'm cooking for dinner." Quinn smirked as she set her daughter back down and walked into the kitchen where she was switching out all our dish towels with Christmas print ones.

"Right!" I replied and started to help Bella hang the garlands. "Speaking of that, is Sam still coming over to help you cook?"

"Yes.." Quinn answered, sending a glare in my direction to counter my smirk.

"Oh, okay..just checking." I said innocently and watched as Quinn continued to eye me.

"Is Santana still coming over to help you decorate?" She countered with an even more devilish smirk.

"I never said she was coming over to help decorate, I just said she was coming to the party." I replied poking my tongue out at her, Bella giggling at my childish antics. Quinn rolled her eyes with a smile and went back to decorating while I helped Bella with the garlands.

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