Chapter 21: Why Me?

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One Month Later;

"Can you come over now?" I said into the receiver of my cell phone. "I'm really bored.." I had my phone wedged between my shoulder and ear as I flipped through channels on the tv. "How come nothing good is on whenever I'm off?" I huffed then heard snickering on the other end.

"I know, I wanna leave but they want me to check out some new talent." Santana answered as I heard papers ruffling in the background. "You know I've got to make sure they're awesome before I put my name on them."

"Mhm, I get it." I said as I turned the tv off and laid down on the couch. "I still can't believe you own most of SnixxJuice, that's so crazy!"

"Yeah and I still can't believe you never realized that before." She laughed.

"Well, you did say you were under an alias.." I countered, closing my eyes as I laid my head back against the arm rest of the couch.

"Oh right, I did!" She replied. "I was just trying to see if you were a crazy fan.."

"Am I?"

"Mm, nope. Just crazy hot." I felt myself blushing and rolled over to my side as I held the phone to my ear with my hand.

"Now is it time for you to come over?" I whined staring up at the clock on the cable box.

"Britt, I said it might be just a little less than an hour longer." She said softly. "Believe me, I wanna getz my cuddlez on too.." I smiled at hearing her gangsta voice, she was such a dork.

"An hour?" I groaned. "What am I supposed to do for an hour?" Nothing was on tv, Bella was still in school, and Quinn was working, so that meant I had no one to talk to.

"Hm, well it's a little warmer out today." She began in a cheery voice. "And by warmer, I mean it's still cold as hell but at least the snow's stopped falling. Why don't you go for a run?"

"Well..I have been slacking on running lately.." I answered quietly.

"Plus, it would kill some time."

"Very true, very true." I replied as I rolled over on my back and looked up at the ceiling. "I guess I could go for a short run."

"Yeah, it'll be good for you."

"Okay, well I'll let you get back to work then." I said as I sat up and walked to my room. "Bye San, see you in an hour!"

"Yup, see you in an hour." I hung up the phone and set it on my dresser as I quickly changed into some jogging pants and the matching sweater. I pulled my blond hair up in a ponytail and dug out my headphones from my nightstand drawer before slipping on my cross trainers. I did a few stretches then made my way outside.

Santana was right; it wasn't as cold as it had been the last couple days, definitely good running weather. I scrolled through my music playlists and pressed play as I started at a slow jog to the nearest park. Being a dance choreographer, I had to be in top shape at all times, but since I hadn't gone for a run in about a week, finally stretching out my muscles felt really good. Soon the adrenaline was pumping and I quickened my slow paced jog to a steady run. I didn't realize how much I had missed running; I've always loved taking the scenic routes and seeing all the frost covered trees and frozen lakes put me in such a calm mood.

I didn't start to pant till about 20 minutes into the run and decided that I should probably turn back now. I checked the time and instantly grinned; Santana would be over in less than 30 minutes! The thought alone had me quickening my pace making it able for me to get back to the apartment in exactly 15 minutes. However, once I headed up to the room, I felt incredibly tired. "Maybe I over did it that last mile," I thought as I tried stretching out my legs. I went to the fridge and pulled out a water bottle, downing almost all of it in the span of 20 seconds. I brought the bottle with me as I plopped down on the couch. "I'll just take a breather really quick before I get showered and what not," I said to myself and set the water bottle on the coffee table as I began to slowly scoot further and further down on the couch until I was laying down. "Just gunna rest my eyes for like a minute," I thought and allowed myself to curl up into the couch cushions.

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