Chapter 6: It's Complicated

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"Y-yeah.." I said in a shaky voice then shook my head and took a step back. "I didn't know you sang!" I exclaimed with a big smile. "You were amazing!" I watched as she smiled down at the floor. Even though it was dark, I could still see her cheeks reddening at the compliment. "I mean, like you were so good!"


She stutters? What? I felt a little more confident now that I wasn't the only one who gets nervous. There was this awkward silence between us where we just looked at each other smiling.

"I-uhm-Can I buy you a drink?" I asked, my heart racing at my sudden boldness. I watched as she licked her lips then focus on something over my shoulder. "What? Is there a spider?" I asked frantically and spun around trying to see if anything was crawling on me, but nothing was there.

"No.." She laughed and shook her head.

"Yeah, I figured." I sighed, way to go embarrassing yourself again Brittany. "So how about that drink?" I asked a second time with hopeful eyes.

"No thanks." She said and that answer was like a punch in the gut.

"Wh-What? Why not?" I asked, my bottom lip involuntarily jutting out. She smiled and looked down at her feet again taking a deep breath before looking up at me.

"You and that pout." She teased and crossed her arms over her chest. 

I was still looking at her waiting for an explanation. 

She rolled her eyes with a smirk and continued. "Because, I think your boyfriend is waiting for you to go back." She said and nodded over at Sam and Quinn who were peeking over the booth chair. 

I laughed and shook my head.

"What? Sam? Ew, no. I mean he tried, but just no." I rambled, still laughing at her thought. "Plus I told you, I'm gay. Like, I only like girls. That's it." 

She pressed her lips together suppressing another smile.

"Oh right, I forgot about that." She said. "Well, I guess I will take you up on that offer then."


15 Minutes Later;

After buying her a drink, she followed me back over to the booth and squeezed in next to me. I practically downed half my Long Island Iced Tea just to calm my nerves. Each time her shoulder would brush against my arm it was like a jolt of electricity shook through my body. I started introducing her to everyone, but to my surprise she already knew Rachel, Kurt, and Blaine so Sam was the only one she'd never met.

"Alright hold up, so you're telling me that you met Sam at a stripper audition?" Santana asked with a breathy laugh, I nodded. "I'm just- how the hell? Why were you even there?" She asked with her face all scrunched up in that cute way when she was confused about something. 

I guess it was the alcohol kicking in because for some reason I wasn't really all that nervous now.

"The add said exotic dancers not strippers." I shrugged nonchalantly. Everyone was laughing now, even Santana.

"She didn't know exotic dancers were fancy talk for strippers." Quinn clarified, out of breath from all the giggling.

"Exotic dancers and strippers are different!" Sam protested as we all looked at him for an explanation. "Exotic dancers don't take their clothes off, strippers do, hence the name strippers."

"So are you an exotic dancer or are you a stripper?" Rachel asked with narrowed eyes and a smirk.

"uhh, exotic dancer." Sam said, his voice missing the confidence needed to persuade the girl.

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