Chapter 20: First Date

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"Alright, Britt, pay attention." Quinn said as we pulled out on to the streets of the city. Like promised, Quinn was attempting to show me the way to Santana's house so later when I drove alone I wouldn't get lost. However, I had been texting Santana pretty much the whole morning and she was always super distracting when it came time for me to concentrate.

Santana: I kno, Im so excited too! Can I at least get a hint on where ur takin me?

I stared down at my screen smiling; she's been begging me for hints for the past hour. I thought about giving in, but knowing me, I'd probably give away too much and the surprise wouldn't really be a surprise anymore. So no, no hints. I settled back into my seat and quickly typed out another text.

"Britt.." Quinn warned. "Focus." I looked up to see her narrowing her eyes at me because I kept texting so I quickly typed out a reply then set the phone I my lap and straightened up.

Brittany: Nope, no hints :p That's cheating..

"Okay-Okay, I am." I nodded and set my eyes on the road trying to memorize the route. I took notice of that weird looking tree that looked like a lollipop at the corner of this one street that Quinn turned down where all the buildings were either red or white. "Okay, lollipop tree and candy cane buildings. Got it."

"You should really learn the street names instead, B, I think that would be much easier for you to remember." Quinn suggested as we came to a stop light. Remembering a whole bunch of names for streets that almost looked identical? I think I'll stick with scenic landmarks instead. I felt my phone vibrate in my lap and fought hard against seeing what Santana had said. I need to focus on remembering the way, not texting. The car accelerated as Quinn drove down another road. I took note of the giant super colorful ice cream shop that was on the right and memorized the look of that one beat up dumpster with 'Endgame' spray painted on the side.

"Okay, ice cream and graffiti. Got it." I said out loud and tried to ignore my phone vibrating again. I snuck a peek over at Quinn who's eyes were glued to the road and decided I could just read what Santana said and not reply.

Santana: That's no fun..I guess I can wait. ( ;

Santana: Oh, Kurt's here. He says 'Hi' & that you guys need to have another 'girl talk'.

I was set on just reading the text, but Kurt said 'Hi' to me, I couldn't just ignore him like that. So I took the chance of Quinn catching me texting again and typed out a reply.

Brittany: Ur gunna HAVE to wait cuz no hints! ;D & tell my unicorn I said 'hi' back & I'll talk to him soon.

I smiled at sending the text then looked up to see that I had been caught.

"Do I have to take your phone away?" Quinn teased. "I'm doing this for you, if you get lost tonight it'll be your fault." I frowned because she was right; I needed to pay attention.

"Right, sorry.." I mumbled and sent one last text out before putting my phone away completely so I wouldn't be tempted again.

Brittany: Q's getting mad at me bcuz she's tryin to show me the way to your house but ur distracting me again so ttyl ( :

"Alright Q, I'm focused." I said and straightened up in my seat when I realized we were parked.

"Yeah, well we're here already so you're a tad late." She laughed as she watched me stare up at this super nice looking apartment that could very well be a 5 star hotel. There was even a door man standing out front! After admiring the beauty of Santana's apartment building, I realized that all I remember was turning down 2 different streets but no idea what happened in between. Crap! I'm going to get lost again.. "It's okay B, just pay more attention on the way back home." Quinn said and turned the car around.

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