Chapter 33: I Give it a Year

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2 Weeks Later, June;

It had been two weeks since Santana offered me the choreographer position at SnixxJuice, but I hadn't actually had my first day there yet being that I had to give Mike some pointers in teaching my dancers since our teaching styles were pretty different. I wasn't worried though, Mike and I have danced together and taught classes before so I know they'll be in good hands. But today was my final day at Showtimes and I couldn't help but find it bittersweet. I knew with Santana's help, I could really show off my talent with but I'd really miss working at Showtimes.

"I hope I don't cry.." I mumbled as Santana and I entered the double doors of the building. She smiled over at me and brought our clasped hands to her lips and kissed my knuckles. She didn't have to come with me today, but after telling her how hard it is for me to say goodbye, I couldn't get her to stay home. That's good though, I think its better that she's here with me anyway.

"We'll visit often, B, it's not like you'll never see them again." She shrugged with a lopsided grin. I nodded with a weak smiled and headed for the dance studio where Mike should be practicing with the rest of the dancers. "We'll come watch all the big performances and we'll be here for open mic night too!" She added and nudged me a little with her shoulder.

"Yeah, you're ri-" I was cut short when we turned the corner and entered the room to find that it was filled with all the dancers, Mike, Kurt, Rachel, Noah, Sugar, and even that one girl that I swear I know her from somewhere but I just can't place her name.

"SURPRISE!" They all screamed in unison causing me to take a step back with wide eyes.

"Wh-What the?" I stammered as Santana smiled to me and pulled me into the room as everyone started to greet me.

"I couldn't let the reason why this place is so successful go without a proper going away party, we're all going to miss you!" Noah said as he pulled me in for a big hug. "You can have your job back whenever, I'll double whatever she gives!" He teased as Santana shot him a death glare.

"Nice try, Puckerman, but you can't give her anything as close as good as what I can." Santana teased and wrapped her arm around my waist. "Or just gave her just before we came here."

"Ha! I doubt it," He laughed and shook his head.

"I've definitely got it covered, thank you." She replied with a smirk then winked at me.

"I've got a funny feeling we aren't talking about money anymore, are we?" I asked with narrowed eyes and a smirk. The two just laughed and shook their heads.

"Alright, let's get this party started!" Rachel yelled and turned the volume of the music back up. Everyone began dancing and snacking on the food that was set out on the side tables. I found myself casually wondering around, subconsciously trying to memorize every detail of the studio like I wasn't ever going to set foot inside again. I slid my foot across the slick floor, "I'm going to miss these floors," I thought. I thought the same thing as I glanced over at the mirrors then the counters, even the stools where Kurt and I shared so many talks trigged my emotions.

"Hey Britt, over here!" Kurt called as he waved from the other side of the room. I nodded then weaved my way through the crowd to get to him. "I can't believe it; you're going to be working for SnixxJuice!" He cheered as he pulled me in for a hug. "It was just yesterday when you first auditioned here, you were so nervous!" He teased and pinched my cheek.

"Yeah, I remember." I laughed at the floor bashfully. There were so many memories, so many deep conversations shared in the very room, it was no surprise that I was starting to get a little emotional."I'm gunna miss you, my precious unicorn." I pouted and dropped my head on his shoulder.

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