Chapter 31: Persistent Bastards

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One Week Later;


"Brittany, look this way!"

"How does it feel to be dating one of the hottest women in New York?"

"Ever think of searching for a better choreographer gig?"

"Brittany, you look very pretty today!"


I give the, as Santana likes to call them, persistent bastards one last wave and smile before closing the door behind me as I walk into Showtimes. She definitely wasn't lying when she said it'd get worse before it gets better. This is the third day that they've been posted up outside or following me on my way to Showtimes! Thank God they haven't found out where my other job is, but I doubt it'll be kept a secret for long. You know, word travels fast when you're dating someone as smokin' hot as Santana.

"Hey Britt, how was the walk today?" Kurt's cheery voice rang out as I entered the studio. He was sitting cross legged on a stool near the counters with a magazine in his hands and a tight lipped grin on his face. I was just about to tell him that it wasn't as bad as it was yesterday when my eyes fell on what he had been reading. "Oh, oh-no don't worry it's just Vogue." He stammered when he noticed what I had been staring at then held up the magazine to show the cover. I didn't realize I had my shoulders tensed until I felt them drop at the sight.

"Oh good," I sighed then dropped my duffle bag off to the side of the room and leaned on the counter next to him. "And they were nice today, as always I guess, one guy even offered to carry my bag for me but I was scared that he might take off with it and sell my knee highs on ebay or something." I shrugged then lowered to the floor to start my stretching.

"Huh, good thinking!" He laughed then set the magazine on the counter. "So, Rachel told me what happened.." I slowly looked up at him to find him smirking.

"Oh man, did she?" I whined then pouted at the floor. "It was an accident, I swear! I mean, how was I supposed to know that her Vegan crap wasn't actual crap? I told her I'd pay her back for throwing her 'lunch' away." I looked back up when I heard him try to stifle a laugh. "You weren't talking about that, were you?"

"Nope, but that was equally funny." He teased then crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head. "I was talking about what she caught you and Sant-"

"Ohhh, that.." I laughed innocently. "Yeah, that was super awkward and San was super pissed but all the pent up frustration was put to good use afterwards when we-"

"Yeah, okay! I got it!" Kurt said abruptly while throwing his hands up in the air. "No need to say more.."

"Hey, you brought it up." I shrugged and went back to stretching.

"So, besides your amazing sexcapades, what else has been going on with you two?" He asked as he stared down at me with a smile. "You tell her you love her yet?"

"Kurt!" I groaned with my eyes shut then tilted my head up and slowly opened them again. "That's not a part of our 'going slow' agreement, besides, I'm waiting for the right moment.."

"Geez, it's been like what five months?"

"Four," I correct with a smile. "Four months, three weeks, five days."

"Awh, that's cute." He cooed with an exaggerated sigh. "You know the hours too?"

"Mm, six hours in ten minutes." I said glancing over at the clock on the wall.

"Oh wow, seriously?"

"Nahh, that's weird." I teased and went to stretch out my arms. "But anyway, I am supposed to go out with Santana tonight for dinner with Brooke."

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