Chapter 17: The Nerve

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5 Days Later;

"Well, today's the day Q." I said from my spot at the kitchen counter as I dug my spoon into my cereal bowl. "How you feeling?" I knew Quinn was nervous about meeting with Noah for lunch today to talk about Bella just by how she kept pacing in the kitchen. She looked up at me with her lips pursed and shrugged.

"I-I don't even know, Britt." She sighed and came to rest her elbows on the counter. "I just don't know what to expect. I don't even know if I should let him meet Bella or not." I could see she had definitely been thinking long and hard about this, thinking of all possible outcomes that could happen. "Do I tell Bella that Noah is her father?"

"I think that would be too much for a 4 year old to handle.." I cut in as she was about to go off in another tangent. "Introduce him as your friend..then maybe later on if he decides he wants to stick around you can tell her the truth?" I suggested. "But for now, I think it's best to just say he's your friend." Quinn nodded slightly then went back to pacing. "Q, you really don't need to be so nervous. Noah is a really good guy; seems super mature now from all the stories you told me yesterday about the old him. I really don't think you have anything to worry about." There was another long pause as I took a bite of my cereal. "Sam still going with you?"

"Huh?" She mumbled and looked up at me with empty eyes before blinking back and nodding. "Y-yeah, he said he's going to be like a chaperone or something." She replied with a tiny grin. "He doesn't want something bad to happen and not be there for me." I smiled into my next bite while Quinn slowed down her pacing then leaned on the counter again.

"Geez Q, can you just tell me already?" I groaned while tossing a smirk in her direction. She peeked up at me with her forehead wrinkled with confusion.

"Tell you what?" She asked with her eyes narrowed on me.

"That you and Sam are official now!" I laughed and watched as her cheeks flushed. "And don't tell me you aren't because I can totally tell you are."

"Wh-what? Why would you think that?" She stammered as her eyes searched the counter for something more interesting than my piercing eyes.

"First of all, you couldn't even look me in the eyes and say you're not." I teased as she still kept her eyes lowered. "You two are hanging out a lot more and by a lot I mean, I know he slept over at the Christmas party.." Quinn's face went completely red. "Oh don't be embarrassed, you're good for each other!" I said cheerfully as I reached a hand across the table to pat on her arm. "Really, it's about time." I shrugged in which she sent me a glare. "I'm just saying.."

"Don't get me started on you and Santana, Britt." She warned with a playful smile. "I can't believe she got you a present and you didn't even get her anything!" She laughed. I still felt really bad about that even though she didn't spend any money, I didn't have anything to give her in return. We specifically said no presents!

"Hey, I didn't forget..I just didn't want to buy her something and have her feel bad because she didn't get me anything." I countered with my arms folded over my chest.

"Always looking out for her feelings, aren't you?" Quinn teased then sent me a wink before walking off to her room. "I better get ready now. My boyfriend will be picking me up soon." We both broke out in a fit of giggles at Sam's new title. "You should start getting ready too; don't you work in like an hour?" I looked over at the clock and quickly shot up from my seat to put my cereal bowl in the sink.

"Oh man, I haven't even showered yet." I sighed and started to walk in the direction of my room before spinning around to Quinn. "You picking up Bella from school or do you need me to do it?"

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