Chapter 8: Nana'Splits

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The Next Day;

"So Quinn, are you ready for your date tonight?" I teased the other blonde as I wiped down a table in the dining area of the shop. I looked waiting for some rude remark but instead she just kept quiet and rolled her eyes at me from behind the counter.

"It's not a date.." Quinn muttered after a few minutes of silence. I looked up and smirked at her.

"Uh-huh, sure." I nodded and went back to wipe down a different table.

"It's not!" She huffed. "We're just friends.."

"Huh, sounds familiar doesn't it?" I asked with my eyes narrowed at her. "Now you know how I feel whenever you pick on me about Santana." I focused my eyes back on the table, feeling her burn holes in my back.

"Britt..that's different." She said softly. "You guys are meant to be together, just wait."

"I don't think we are." I sighed. "At least not right now anyway." It hurt to say that out loud, but I've been friend zoned. I mean, I'm okay with being Santana's friend and all but it's a little difficult sometimes to hang out with her if all I want to do is kiss her. Of course I think Brooke is a jerk for treating Santana the way she does, and yeah I don't think Santana is thinking clearly every time she forgives Brooke but there's only so much I can do. I don't want to be the reason why a couple breaks up, that's just not me.

"Yeah, well who knows?" Quinn shrugged. "Maybe all you need to do is make her jealous." I looked up from the table and stared at Quinn with brows furrowed. "I mean, she vents to you all the time about her love life and I know it kills you inside because you could do so much better than-"

"I can." I said cutting her off and walking over to the counter to face her.

"Well, what if you started to talk to someone too? Then you'd both vent to each other about your love lives. She'll get jealous then break up with Brooke and go for you! It's the perfect plan!" Quinn cheered excitedly.

"Uhh, I don't know. Wouldn't I just be using someone then?" I watched as Quinn's smile faltered. "And I don't even know if Santana even likes me like that! Maybe she just wants a friendship with me." I shrugged.

"Hmm, this is too much for me to handle." Quinn sighed and went back to cleaning. I thought more about what she said but couldn't see myself doing something like that when my heart is set on someone else. It's like I'd be lying to myself. Ugh, thinking about all this stuff was starting to give me a headache so I decided to block out all the thoughts by singing to the radio. The shop was pretty empty today so I didn't really have to worry about anyone walking in on me showing Quinn some of my new choreography I made up for the girls back at Showtimes. At least, that's what I thought. I was in the middle of this one routine when I heard the bells behind me clink. I knew it couldn't have been Santana because she doesn't usually come in on Fridays. I turned around and was met with a shorter girl with long wavy light brown hair that fell around her shoulders. She smiled up at me and I noticed how pretty her hazel eyes were, almost hypnotizing. For some reason I felt my throat tighten as she walked past me, her light brown hair bouncing with each step she took. I couldn't help but follow her with my eyes as she passed; taking in her slim frame and the way her jeans hugged her waist. I'm not going to lie; I did find that girl a bit attractive. Not as attractive as Santana of course, but still she was pretty hot. I blinked furiously then swallowed a lump that formed in my throat and walked behind the counter.

"Hi, what can I get you?" Quinn asked politely as she stepped up to the register. I looked over at the two waiting to hear the order so I could get started but instantly froze at what came out of the girl's mouth as she eyed me.

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