Chapter 2: Showtime Audition

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This is how it was after each time she came in.

I'd daydream about running my fingers through her dark brown locks, or wonder how her pouty lips would feel like against mine, even the softness of her tan skin under my fingertips until Quinn snapped me out of it. 

But today was different. 

Now that the best part of my morning had passed, there wasn't really much to distract me from thinking about the audition that I would be leaving for in a little over an hour. I'm not usually this nervous for an audition, dancing is like second nature to me; I'm never afraid to show off my skills. But not in a cocky way like those jerks from Zombie Mode who like to kick people out of the studio when they feel like practicing, they just like to show off and make money. 

Me, I like to dance because it's fun and sometimes I feel like it's the only thing I'm good at. It's my passion.

I know Quinn would disagree with me, but sometimes I just feel so..dumb. I was never good at school which is why Quinn always had to tutor me. I don't know, just everything didn't make sense to me. I often felt like a bother when I'd ask my teachers for help even though they've explained the lesson to me numerous times. 

After awhile I just sort of gave up on looking for help, that's when Quinn started coming over after school. I was a little hesitant at first because my past tutors would get annoyed with me because I wouldn't get it after hours of tutoring, but Quinn never got frustrated. She always took her time explaining everything to me, especially in math when she'd change the equations into stories, which really helped. She always had this softness in her voice when she was teaching things to me that was totally different from the harsh tones she used on the other students at McKinley. 

We were both on the Cheerios together; she was captain, so she had this reputation to uphold. I never understood why that type of stuff was so important to her or why she had to be so mean to people who stood in her way when she walked down the hallway, but she softened up a bit after she had Bella.

I still remember the day when she came to me saying that she was pregnant. 

At first I didn't believe it since she was captain of that club that says you can't have sex or something, I didn't even know she was dating anyone, but when she broke down crying in my arms while we were watching The Lion King I knew it had to be true. Quinn never cries. Well, I at first I thought it was just because Lion King can be a sad movie, but she started crying at the Hakuna Mutata part. That's my favorite part!

After finding out she was pregnant, everything changed for her; she wasn't the captain of the Cheerios anymore, she wasn't popular, her family kicked her out, she was just really broken. 

This is when our friendship grew closer; she needed someone when practically the whole world turned their backs on her. 

Being her independent self, Quinn didn't want anything to do with the father of the baby since he was a deadbeat anyway, she didn't even tell me who the guy was. My mom offered her to come live with us and though Quinn's pride often got in the way of her decision making, she accepted. Living with Quinn was pretty awesome, she was like the sister I never had! 

Well, I have a sister but she was young and didn't really understand when I'd vent to her about the garden gnomes stealing my panties or that time I found my bathtub covered in invisible chocolate. Actually, now that I think of it, Quinn really didn't understand that stuff either but it was still cool to have someone my own age to talk to.

I went with her to every doctor's appointment. The first couple appointments were weird though. Every time they put that gooey stuff on her tummy, which was still flat by the way, the doctor would point up at the screen at this little blob and say, "There's your baby, say 'Hi' mommy." 

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