Chapter 15: Take Care

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I've never felt so horrible before in my life. I just kept replaying the whole thing over and over again in my head, only to fuel my frustration. How could I do try something so stupid that could possibly jeopardize our friendship? I felt so guilty and ashamed. I buried my face in my pillows and just let the tears fall from my eyes in hopes that crying it out would relieve some of these emotions.

"Britt?" I heard someone say softly from behind my bedroom door. "I'm coming in." Quinn pushed the door open, her short blonde hair in a messy nest as she walked over to sit on the edge of my bed. "What's going on?" She asked in a delicate tone as she rubbed circles on my back. My body was still shuddering from all the sobbing so my words came out in shaky inhales.

"" I stuttered with a trembling bottom lip. "I'"

"Don't call yourself that." Quinn said sternly then brought her sweater sleeve up to wipe my tears. "You're in love, not stupid." The words hit me like that time when I was chasing Bella around the house and I accidently ran into the wall. Love? I know Quinn's teased me about it before, but now that I think of it, this might very well be love.

"How do you know?" I asked as my breath evened out. I've never been in love I don't think. Yeah, I've had strong attractions to past girlfriends but never have I wanted a relationship so bad that I'm willing to just be friends first. Is that love?

"How don't I know?" She countered with a smirk. "You've had your eyes on her for so long yet you never made a move. Though countless women attempted hitting on you, you never had eyes for anyone else. The when you did make a move and found out she had a shitty girlfriend, what did you do? You didn't coax her into cheating on her with you but became her best friend. You care more about her happiness and well being than your own. And now you're crying because you tried kissing her. You didn't actually go through with it, but you tried. Now you're upset because why? You didn't want to pressure her. Once again you're putting your own feelings aside for the wellbeing of hers. Forget that you've been waiting for this girl for like months and probably fantasize about what her lips feel like and focus only on what she needs." She explained. "If that's not love then everyone else is doing it wrong." She added with the shrug of her shoulders. I took everything Quinn just said to heart, letting it roll around in my. Love. It seemed to be making more and more sense the longer I thought about it.

"Thanks Q." I mumbled wiping my face with my hand. "You're the best best friend ever."

"Yeah, tell me something I don't know." She smirked and patted on my thigh before getting back up. "Glad to see I'm still excellent at pep talks."

"Oh Q?" I said as she spun back around. "You feeling better now?" She nodded lazily then ran her hand through her crazy bed hair.

"Yeah, little bit. I guess I just had to sleep it off." She shrugged. "I'm going to check on Bella now, goodnight." She said the closed my door. I stared up at the ceiling thinking about Santana and this theory of love until I fell asleep.

The Next Morning;

I squinted my eyes at the bright light shining through the curtains and tried rolling over. Just the slightest move made my head feel like people were pounding hammers against my skull. I reached up to the sides of my head and pressed my hands in against my ears. I felt like my brain was throbbing or something, threatening to hop out of my skull at any moment. It was definitely not a good feeling. I was too focused on the excruciating pain in my head that I didn't realize that I could barley breath out my nose and my throat was itchy. Now that I think of it, I feel really really hot like I think I'm actually sweating right now. How could I have gotten sick in the past 8 hours? I haven't even left my room yet! It couldn't be from being in the cold yesterday because I was completely bundled up and if so, that would mean Bella and Santana would be sick too.

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