Chapter 13: Insecurity

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"Kurt, I need your help!" I squealed when I entered the dressing room. He spun around from zipping up one of the girl's tops and gave me a wide eyed look. "Santana's gunna watch us practice.."

"Okay?" He said with his brow raised. "I'm sorry Britt, but my single ladies days are over. I just now got to the point where only half the people in the room stare at me when that damn song comes on."

"What? No, I don't want you to dance with me-"

"Oh thank God."

"I need you to help me figure out a song to dance to." I pleaded. "The routine I was going to show the girls today is for one of Rachel's slow songs."

"Oh, yeah. Not very sexy at all." He shrugged. "Hm, let me think for a couple minutes. But first let's get you out of those sweat pants."

"Kurt!" I said shocked. "I thought you were gay.." I stared at him with big eyes until he started laughing.

"Oh do I love how your mind works, Britt." He teased and pushed me towards a clothes rack, pulling out articles of clothing and holding it up to me before repeating the process several more times. "Alright, this is the one!" He squealed holding out a pair of black shorts covered in glitter in one hand and a hot pink lacy bustier bra in the other.

"Uhh, I wanted to show her I can dance well." I said eyeing the super revealing clothes. "Not cause a sex riot." Kurt laughed and pulled out a short cropped black leather jacket and handed me all the clothes.

"You've got a bangin' bod, missy, flaunt it." He winked and nodded over to the changing rooms. I rolled my eyes playfully and walked off in the direction of the rooms. On my way there, I spotted some pink and white knee high socks. I'm a sucker for knee high socks so I threw those on top of the pile in my hands and went to get changed.

"Oh wow!" Kurt squealed when I emerged from the dressing room in my new outfit. "You just had to add the knee highs, didn't you?"

"Hey, at least they match!" I joked and looked out at all the girls in their outfits. Kurt managed to dress them in similar, less revealing, attire. "Nice touch having us all match. Like the way you think!" Kurt looked over his shoulder at the other dancers and nodded.

"Oh, and I have a song!" He cheered pulling out his phone. "Just take a listen and I'm sure you'll come up with something soon, practice starts in 10." I gulped at how rushed this was going to be but I knew I could do it, it was pretty much freestyle. Plus, the other dancers didn't know I had just come up with the routine.

"Alright, let's have a listen."

10 Minutes Later;

"Quit fidgeting." Kurt whispered sending an elbow in my arm. "You're going to kill it!" I nodded confidently and walked out of the dressing room to see Santana sitting on one of the counters with Noah standing beside her. I sent her a nervous smile then turned to face the dancers.

"Okay guys, we're doing something a little different this time but I'm pretty sure you're going to like it." I said as I scanned everyone's face. "Kurt, hit it!"

At first it was just an instrumental intro so I took the time to get loosened up and try to shake some of the nerves off. You know, try to forget that Santana would be having her eyes on me the whole time. I couldn't think about that right now, I just needed to listen and get lost in the music. The intro was drawing to an end so I did a couple more bounces on my toes and sucked in a calming breathe. Here we go.

Lay your head on my pillow
Lay your head on my pillow
Lay it down
Lay it down
Lay it down
Oh lay it down
Lay your head on my pillow

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