Chapter 7: Cheer Up, Buttercup

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2 Weeks Later;

"So, are you excited for your date?" Quinn asked as she handed the customer his coffee. I rolled my eyes and shuffled back over behind the coffee machine.

"It's not a date, Q." I huffed for the billionth time. "It's just lunch with a friend." I emphasized on the word friend since Quinn still couldn't get it through her head that that's all Santana and I were right now. Just friends. "Besides, I'm only doing this because she seemed really upset this morning." I replied as I passed a drink to another customer.

3 Hours Ago;

"Can you not stare at the clock?" Quinn asked with her arms crossed. "Time won't go by any faster if you're staring." I exhaled deeply and looked away. She was right, I was just being paranoid. I mean, it's Wednesday. Santana always comes in at exactly 12:45 every Wednesday and it is currently 12:48. She is never late, ever.

"It's not that.." I mumbled at the counter. "She's late, she's never late." I heard Quinn stifle a laugh but when I looked up at her she quickly stopped.

"Britt, she probably got caught up at work or something." She suggested and rubbed soothingly at my back. "Don't worry about it too much." I nodded and stared back out the windows to see if I could see her approaching. Nope, nothing.

"What if she got hurt? What if she got kidnapped? What if she got abduct-"

"Britt, you're thinking too much." Quinn sighed and went back to wiping down the counters. I took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly. She was probably right; I was just over thinking it. Just then I heard the clinking of the bells and snapped my head up to see Santana walking in with red eyes. My breath caught in my throat when I saw how upset she looked. I dropped everything I was doing and quickly walked around the counter and wrapped my arms around her. I didn't think about how much I was invading her personal bubble; I just let my body do whatever.

"Hey, it's okay." I cooed when I felt her body shudder in my arms. She dropped her head on my shoulder and I could feel the wetness of her tears seeping through my shirt. It broke my heart seeing her look so defeated like this, it was different from the usual super confident way she carried herself. "You're okay." I whispered again and rubbed at her back like Quinn usually does when I'm upset. The shop was empty right now, but I didn't want people to see her like this. "Come on; let's go to the break room." I said softly into her dark brown hair. I felt her nod against my shoulder and let me pull her away. I caught Quinn's confused look but I just shrugged at her, not exactly sure what to say. Santana was my priority right now. I sat down with her at the two seater table and handed her a box of tissues. She accepted them with a weak smile as her tears dissipated. "I never liked when people asked me what's wrong when I'm sad.." I said quietly as I watched her wipe her tears. "It just made me even more sad, so I'm not going to ask." I could've sworn I saw the corner of her mouth twitch in to a grin, but maybe not. We sat in silence for a couple minutes until her crying stopped.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have come here." She huffed while dabbing at her eyes with the tissue. "You were working; you shouldn't have to take care of me like this."

"Nonsense, I wanted to." I replied with a smile. "We're friends now. If any of my other friends showed up to my work like you did, of course I'd drop everything. I don't like seeing people cry." She pursed her lips together and nodded with a weak smile. There was silence again.

"She blew me off again.." She sighed and looked down at the table.


"Uh-huh. She promised to take me out for an early lunch today, but she 'forgot'." She shook her head with disappointment. "I reminded her last night and this morning, how could you forget?" Her voice grew harsh again like the day when she walked me home. I knew the harshness wasn't meant for me though so I didn't take it to heart. "I let myself get excited and shit just to get fucked over..again." Her jaw clenched tight when she spat the words. It hurt me to see her so crushed, I remember her texting me a couple days ago about this little date she was having with Brooke and how excited she was because they hadn't gone out in forever. Once again, if it was me; I'd never let her down. But it's not me she's crying over so it doesn't matter. What matters is cheering her up.

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