Chapter 12: Double Surprise

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The Next Morning;

I woke up to the bright morning sun shining through my baby blue curtains, burning against my sleepy eyes. "I really should get a darker color." I thought to myself and flung the covers over my head. I nuzzled into my pillow attempting to fall back asleep when I heard a low humming noise. I titled my head a bit trying to find where the sound was coming from, it seemed to be loudest when I had my head down on the pillow. With furrowed brows and tired eyes, I dug my hand under the coolness of the pillow and retrieved my phone. I brought it to my ear and listened. Low steady exhales, almost snoring, but not that obnoxious snoring where it's like you want to cover your head with a pillow, more like cute snoring, the kind I wouldn't mind waking up to every morning. I smiled at the phone picturing what Santana might look like when she's asleep, most likely even more beautiful than when she's awake. There would be no need for her to clench her jaw tight or furrow her brows, just pure relaxation. I wonder if she sleeps on her side, or maybe on her stomach? I wonder if she curls up in a ball like I do, or if she's all over the place? Does she sleep with socks on or no? So many questions. I rolled on my side and kept the phone on my ear, hearing her soft breaths made me feel like she was right next to me.

"Hmm..Brmm." My eyes shot open when I heard her mumble.

"San?" I said softly not sure if she was awake or just sleep talking. No response, just more humming. I smiled at the phone; so she mumbles in her sleep. Realizing I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, I listened for a few more minutes then finally hung up. I sat up in bed with a wide grin thinking of the last time I had fallen asleep on the phone with someone, never.

Since I was in such a great mood now, actually I'm always in a good mood; I decided to make breakfast for Quinn and Bella. I tip toed my way to the kitchen hoping that no one was awake yet. Not going to lie, I'm not a very good cook. Recipes always confused me, but I've watched Quinn make breakfast loads of times so I'm pretty sure I could do this. I got out the eggs, bacon, pancake mix, and butter. I stared down at all the ingredients trying to remember what Quinn always made first, bacon. I took out a frying pan and set it on the burner. I wasn't sure what temperature she usually kept it on so I played it safe and went with medium. I waited for the pan to heat up, remembering that Quinn always checked the temperature by holding her hand over it. I laid down a few strips when I thought it was hot enough and heard that anticipated sizzling sound.

"Yay, nothing's on fire!" I cheered to myself and reached for the pancake mix box. "Alright, now this is the hard part." I thought and stared at the instructions trying to decipher what they were asking me to do. Thankfully, it was just an add water type of mix. I ended up making the batter pretty easily; it wasn't too lumpy or too liquidy. Quinn would be so proud right now! I heated up another pan for the pancakes while I checked on the bacon. Everything seemed to be okay still so I was pretty confident I'd be making a successful breakfast. I poured out some pancake batter on to the pan and watched as it bubbled up. Trying to make sure the bacon didn't burn and the pancakes were cooking evenly ended up being a really hard thing to do. I was never good at multitasking. I flipped over a pancake and saw black. "Damnit." I huffed and threw out the pancake along with now burnt bacon strips.

"I smell someone trying to cook breakfast again.." I heard Quinn call from behind me then pats of little feet follow.

"It's stinky, mommy!" I heard Bella giggle. I felt my shoulders drop as I turned around to see Quinn ad Bella smiling at my mess.

"I was so close, Q, so close!" I groaned and pouted. "I mess up at the same point every time." I stared down at my toes in embarrassment. "I even burnt your precious bacon." I heard Quinn snicker then bend down to Bella.

"I think Britt needs a hug, Bells." She whispered. I looked up to see Bella race over to me with her arms held out then Quinn walk pass me to survey the damage. "It was a good effort, Britt, but I'll take it from here." She smiled and patted me on the shoulder.

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