Chapter 19: The Final Step

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Later That Night;

It was dark, like super dark, so dark that I couldn't even see my hand if I held it out in an inch from my face. I didn't like this, I hate the dark. I couldn't tell where I was sitting; home, Showtimes, Santana's? I looked side to side but saw nothing but darkness. My feet were bare so I slid my foot along the floor, carpet. I spread my hands out a bit by my sides feeling a cool silky material. I swallowed thickly as my heart race skyrocketed. Could I be sitting on a- I did a little bounce in place and my assumptions were accurate. A bed, I am sitting on a bed. Not my bed though, I don't have soft silky sheets.

Where the hell am I? I ran my hand over my stomach and found that I was still in my dress from tonight. That was a good sign, right? I couldn't remember how I got here or where here even was, but I did not like it. There wasn't any chance that I could've blacked out from drinking because all I had was all night, I think? Crap, I don't remember. I wanted to get up, but I was afraid of what could be hiding in the darkness so I just stayed still. Just then, a match was lit. The light of the flame didn't illuminate much but what I did see relieved me.

"Santana?" I whispered and watched as she went to light a few candles on what looked like her dresser then walked beside me to light two more at her night stand. She looked at me seductively when she blew out the match then walked over to the dresser that was in front of me with her back turned. "Is this your room? H-How-When did we get here?" I stammered a little frightened that all I could remember was the kisses we shared at the countdown, but at the same time she looked so hot being all mysterious like that. I looked to her for answers, but she didn't speak. Just as I was pushing myself off the bed to turn her around, she stepped to me and gently pushed me back down with one finger.

"Stay." She said huskily. I never heard that tone from her, but I was definitely not complaining. I rested back on my forearms, my heart pounding at in my ears, as she leaned into me, her right leg strategically placed between mine that were hanging off the edge of the bed. I looked into her eyes and saw pure desire. "I'm going to make you feel good, you want that?" Do I want that? What kind of question is that? I want her to make me feel good every hour of every day, on lunch breaks, just before I go to work, once I get home, before dinner, after dinner, in the shower, before bed, in bed.. "Are you listening, Britt-Britt?" She asked and laid soft kisses along my jaw up to my ear. "Do you want that?"

"Every day for the rest of my life!" I choked out, feeling incredibly aroused now. She pulled away from my ear and pressed her lips into mine. I would never get tired of how soft they were or how sweet they tasted, never.

"Good." She husked and leaned back to slide out of her dress leaving her in just her bra and panties. I licked my lips when I saw all the new exposed skin, the want to kiss every part of her body growing. My eyes followed along her toned legs to the contours of her abs then up to her breasts that begged for release from their harnesses. I looked up and saw the smirk on her face as she stood between my legs. She hadn't even begun to touch me yet, but already was I super turned on. "Looks like you're a little over dressed, we should fix that." She said and ran her hands up my thighs that were partially covered by my dress.

"Y-Yeah, fix that.." I stammered and stood up so that we were practically an inch apart. I went to pull my straps down, but she stopped me.

"I'll do it." She said and began undressing me herself while I just stood there and mentally recorded everything that was happening, like a mental sex tape! Now we were both only in our bras and panties. I watched as her hand reached out to trace my toned stomach then dragged her nails against my skin. Her touches were sending shivers through my body, but at the same time I needed her like right now. "You okay? You're looking a little..frustrated." Her hand slid further down slowly until she was cupping my sex. I shuddered at the touch and almost fell into her, but, with a sudden rush of confidence, I dropped down a little and grabbed onto the backs of her thighs then hoisted her up.

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