Chapter 32: Closure

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"Awh, Quinn.." I cooed as I patted Quinn's hand across the table, "That was a really nice thing to say." I looked over at Santana who was trying to keep from showing how relieved she was that Quinn was actually siding with her rather than against. "Isn't that nice, Peanut?" I ask nudging the little blonde with my elbow. "Sanny and mommy are gunna be best friends, I can feel it." Bella giggled as she shoved more of her sandwich into her mouth.

"Whatever, Britt." Quinn huffed as her cheeks began turning a super light shade of pink. "Just be glad I'm not tormenting you on how freaking blinding your special glow is right now.."

"Special glow?" I gasped and looked to Santana with wide eyes. "Am I glowing? Is that normal?" Santana's cheeks bunched as she revealed a toothy grin.

"Yeah, well after what we-"

"Before you finish that, Lopez, let me remind you that my 5 year old daughter is sitting right next to you.." Quinn cut in making Santana roll her eyes. She sat back in her stool with her arms crossed then looked to me.

"Uhm..You're glowing from all that Uno, babe," Santana said as her lips curled into a devilish smirk accompanied by a seductive wink. "Completely normal." I felt my cheeks heating up as my mind went back to the shower we shared and how incredibly hot it was. But I also thought about how she didn't want me to go down on her. Was she afraid? Maybe she's never done it before, I mean, she's never had shower sex so it's possible. Or maybe it's not her thing? Maybe it's too personal? Maybe she's shy? Wait, Santana being shy in bed? That's not possible. Maybe she's-

"Oh gross, you guys would corrupt an innocent children's game!" Quinn laughed; breaking me out of my thoughtful daze, as she set a glass of lemonade down for Bella then gave me a glass of Dr. Pepper.

"Sooo I don't get a drink either?" Santana sighed with her eyes narrowed at Quinn.

"Get it yourself." Quinn teased as she brought down a fourth glass from the shelf.

"She's still a guest, Q." I warned as I brought the cup to my lips.

"I know, that's why I'm getting her a glass too." Quinn groaned as she walked over to the fridge then looked over her shoulder. "What do you want?"

"The same as Britt is fine." She answered as her phone buzzed on the table.

"Alright, here." Quinn said almost bitterly as she slid a half full glass towards the Latina. San looked up through her thick lashes and smirked.

"So hospitable, you should really work in hotel management." She teased as she brought the cup to her lips. Quinn let out a laugh as she cleaned up Bella's empty plate.

"Can I watch tv now, mommy?" Bella chirped as she climbed down from her stool.

"Sure thing, baby, what are we gunna watch?" Quinn said as she came out from behind the kitchen counter and followed Bella towards the couch. My eyes followed them then back to Santana who was glued to her phone.

"Is everything okay over there?" I asked as I took the last bite of my sandwich. She licked her lips and nodded, not breaking eye contact with whatever she was reading on her phone. I moved over to the empty seat that was between us and looked over her shoulder. "You sur-"

"Look at this, B." She huffed and directed the phone to me revealing a picture of her, Bella, and I surrounded by paparazzi. I didn't really find it that bad until she swiped her thumb across the screen to show another picture, one of her shoving away a man with a camera in his hands. She scrolled down revealing more pictures of her yelling at people, the veins in her neck bulging and the fire in her eyes very evident. "They make me look like I'm fucking crazy!" She whispered angrily trying to not bring attention to herself.

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