Chapter 4: Run-In's, Literally

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Three Weeks Later;

I was at the Showtimes studio getting some of my stretching done before the rest of the other back up dancers showed up. I always show up about 15 minutes early just to get warmed up because the choreographer now never made us do warm ups even though it's like the most important thing to do before practice. Less injuries, you know? 

Anyway, I've come to really love the job even though I think I could choreograph better than that Shue guy. I'm not being cocky either; it's just some of the dances don't even go well with the music. Maybe it's just me, but when I dance I like to listen to the story of the song and move my body to that rather than solely on the beats.

"Hey Brittany, what are you doing here so early?" Noah's voice startled me as he walked casually into the mirrored room. "Oh, sorry! Didn't mean to scare you." He laughed and threw his hands up defensively.

"Oh it's okay, I was just getting lost in my thoughts." I mumbled and looked back down at my out stretched leg and leaned to it with my arms aiming for my toes. "I like to do a little more warming up before everyone else comes in." He crossed his arms over his broad chest and leaned against the wall.

"That's some good work ethic you got there." He complimented. "How do you feel about Shue?" I looked up to find him staring down at me intently. I didn't know what he was trying to ask so I just shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't know, he's nice I guess. But I told you I'm gay, remember?" I replied and switched legs to stretch again. He laughed, his shoulders bouncing with each chuckle.

"Uh, not what I meant.." He said with the shake of his head. "I mean, do you think he's a good choreographer?" I gulped, I didn't like where this was going.

"Uhm.." I mumbled but I really didn't want to answer. I didn't like talking about someone behind their back like that. What if what I say got him in trouble? Or worse, fired?

"It's okay Brittany." He said softly. "I was just asking because I've seen you dance on your own, freestyle, and it's so much better than what that douche comes up with." He shrugged and shifted his weight on the wall. "Have you ever choreographed before?" 

I stopped stretching and looked up at him with wide eyes.

"What are you trying to say?" I asked slowly. I definitely don't want to be responsible for that guy getting fired, let alone stealing his job!

"I'm saying, do you want to be the new choreographer for the girls?" He asked with a grin. 

I was speechless, I've only been working here for about 3 weeks, there's no way he couldn't find a better replacement. 

"I really think you'd do a great job."

"I-I uhh..I don't want to steal his job." I stammered, feeling my brows furrow as I spoke. "I just wouldn't feel right about that, especially since I've only been here 3 weeks."

"Don't worry about that, Brittany." He replied and took a seat up against the wall, facing me. "I've already talked to him beforehand. He doesn't even like choreographing; he's more of singing guy." 

I felt my whole body relax at hearing that Noah had already talked to him and if I agreed to the job it wouldn't take the guy by surprise.

"Are you sure you want me to do it?" I asked in disbelief. "There isn't anyone else?"

"Totally, you're just the person for the job!" He answered confidently and stood up. "So, you in?" I pondered the thought for a moment.

"Yeah, I'm in."

4 Hours Later;

After knowing that I wasn't really 'stealing' anyone's job, I became extremely excited. 

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