Chapter 23: Love Birds

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The Next Morning;

I don't think I've ever slept so well after a night out like last night considering how much alcohol was involved. Actually now that I think of it, I didn't really drink all that much, at least not as much as Quinn and Santana. I pouted a little realizing that I wasn't tired anymore and that my sleepover with Santana was going to be over as soon as I open my eyes. I didn't want it to be over though; I wanted to lay here with her forever. I moved my arm slightly just to make sure Santana was still in fact in my arms. She was; I ran my hand over the small of her back memorizing the little dips and grooves. Her shirt must've ridden up because I felt the warmth of her soft skin against my fingertips. Her soft humming, the way her chest rose and fell at each breath she took, the warmth radiating off her body, and the cute mumbling noises she made; I wanted it to last forever.

So I willed my eyes to stay closed, hoping that by not opening them I'd fall back asleep just a little bit longer. Instead, I felt her shift slightly against my body. Then it hit me; what if she wasn't comfortable with this closeness? I mean, she was drunk last night, was she okay with sleeping over? Was she okay with sharing the bed? The thoughts flooded my brain making it even harder for me to fall back asleep. But it was too late, Santana was awake now.

"Mm, Britt.." I heard her mumble as she shuffled closer to me, her grip around my shoulder tightening. I reluctantly opened my eyes and found that her eyes were still closed. A content smile played on her lips as she continued her soft humming noises. Yeah, she definitely was still beautiful, even in her sleep. I stared down at her, watching as the corners of her mouth would twitch every so often, probably tired from smiling. I looked down and noticed that at some point in the night she had entangled her legs with mine and now our bodies were completely flush. I followed up her body until I landed back on her closed eyes. Man, have I said how beautiful this girl is? I wish I could take a picture of her right now with my eyes so that whenever we're apart I could look at it and it'll make my day so much better. Her lips parted a little as she let out a content sigh. I smiled down at her; she was just too adorable sometimes. I couldn't stop myself; I ended up leaned down a little and pressed my lips to hers gently before pulling away. "Britt.." She mumbled again, this time her eyes fluttered open.

"Morning Sunshine," I whispered happily, "Sorry I woke you, you looked really cute. I just had to.." She smiled that one special smile as she stared up at me with her deep brown eyes.

"No need to be sorry, "She replied her voice still sounding a little raspy from just waking up, "I wish I could wake up like that all the time." I grinned goofily at her and hugged her tighter.

"So you're okay with sleeping over? In the same bed?" I asked lightly, afraid what her answer might be.

"I might've been a little drunk last night, because my head is pounding like a fucking drummer boy at Christmas time right now, but I was completely aware of what I was asking you. I didn't want you sleeping by yourself out in the living room, in the dark and I know how you feel about the dark, when you could just sleep here with me."

"I guess you're right," I sighed and smiled down at her, our eyes locking for a moment.

"You guess I'm right?" She smirked then tickled her fingers up my sides along my ribcage. "I am right." I jolted away from her fingers tickling my sides, but she just rolled closer to me.

"S-San, stop, th-that tickles!" I half squeaked half laughed as she continued running her fingers along my ribcage. "S-S-Saaan!"

"Who knew you were so ticklish!" She laughed then went for my secret tickle spots that weren't so secret now thanks to Bella. I was trying my hardest to get away from her hands, but they were just too fast! I ended up rolling on top of her and pinning her wrists above her head.

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