Chapter 3: Lunch Breaks

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"It's almost time, Britt!" Quinn chirped as she pointed her chin in the direction of the digital clock on the wall. 

I came out of the back room holding a box of more cups, trying to take a peek at the time when my shoe caught the edge of the crate that was sitting on the floor causing me to lose my balance. I dropped the box and flailed my arms about, stretching for some type of brace which ended up being Quinn's body.

"Whoops, sorry Q." I mumbled as I regained my balance and looked down at all the spilled cups and pouted.

"For someone who's such a great dancer, you sure are clumsy sometimes." She laughed and bent down to help me restack the cups. "Hey, stop pouting it was an accident." She teased and bumped me a little with her shoulder causing me to smile. "There we go, don't want Santana to see you with your lip all poking out when she comes in." She winked and glanced up at the clock again. "10 more minutes!"

"You seem more excited to see her than I am." I laughed and picked up the box and set it on the back counter. "Back off, I saw her first." I said and narrowed my eyes at her. She laughed and threw her arms up in defeat.

"Not my type, Britt, so you don't have to worry about that." I gave her one last warning glare and nodded.

"Well, it's Wednesday." I huffed and leaned against the counter on my elbows.

"Yeah? So?" Quinn asked skeptically as she came to stand next to me.

"Wednesdays mean that she won't come in till 12:45." I shrugged and stared longingly out the window.

"Oh wow, Britt, that's not creepy at all." She said as she patted on my head before walking off. "You even know her schedule? Creeper."

"Observations, they're just observations." I defended myself and I stood straight up and spun around to face Quinn. She had her hands on her hips, her lips curled in a smirk.

"No, that's just love.." She cooed and scrunched her nose at me.

"Ughh, don't start that again." I groaned and focused my attention on the 3 customers that walked in, none of which were the Latina I had been anxiously waiting for though I knew she wouldn't be in for another 3 hours. I heard Quinn mumble something but I didn't catch what she said, probably more teasing about Santana. "Hi, what can I get for you?" I greeted cheerfully when the young lighter haired brunette girl approached the counter.

"Hey, uhm..I'll just get a hot chocolate." She answered timidly as she glanced up at me with shy eyes. 

I watched as the other two behind her; another young girl with long curly blonde hair and a lanky boy with shaggy brown hair, huddled together and giggled. I looked at the girl in front of me then back at the other two. I wondered if they were all friends or something and if so why were they laughing at the girl? It wasn't any of my business so I looked back down at the teen and smiled.

"Okay cool, what size?" I nodded and pointed over at the cup sizes. I saw the teens behind her poke at the girl's back and watched as she threw a glare over her shoulder at them.

"Uhh, sma-tall..tall." She stuttered and looked back at me shyly.

"Alrighty, sma-tall it is!" I joked, somewhat hoping to calm the girl since she was obviously nervous for some reason. 

My plan backfired as I watched her cheeks turn a bright pink and spun around to hit the lanky boy who was trying to stifle his laughter. I was probably just embarrassing her even more. "Can I get a name?" I asked as I picked up one of the cups and flicked off the cap of the marker, ready to write. I tucked some hair behind me ear and focused on writing on the cup, but looked up when I didn't hear her speak. "Name?" I asked again.

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