Chapter 14: Confidence

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One Week Later;

The days seemed to mash together as the week went by. As Christmas was drawing near, Quinn and I began planning out our annual Christmas party. Working two jobs, helping plan a Christmas party, and keeping from yanking my hair out started to really stress me out. Thankfully, I wasn't scheduled for practice tonight at Showtimes and my shift here at The Coffee Shop was coming to an end. I felt like I needed some fun in my life so Quinn and I conspired to take Bella out ice skating since she's been begging to go since like August. I thought about inviting Santana, but ever since she went shopping with me and Bella she's been sort of distant. I thought that maybe it was something I said, but she assured me it wasn't. Not wanting to pry, I let it go. Knowing Santana, she'd come around to tell me what was bothering her eventually.

"Hey Britt, you can go if you want." Christy said from the register. "That new guy Jacob is on his way in now and the shop's dead." She shrugged with a grin. I looked around at the empty tables and decided that she could take it from here.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow then." I replied and began taking off my apron and replacing it with my jacket. The air today was colder than usual; I was relieved that I remembered to bring a scarf with me to hide my cheeks. The weather was definitely hinting at some snowfall, but living in New York for almost 5 years has gotten me pretty adjusted. I wouldn't be surprised if I woke up tomorrow and the streets were covered with snow and people were still walking their way to work and carrying on their normal day. After a 10 minute walk, I was making my way upstairs to greet Bella.

"Britty! Help, mommy's dying!" My eyes widened at Bella's frantic wailing and I quickly ran to Quinn's room. Quinn can't die! I can't take care of Bella alone! Plus, who will cook food for us? It would be fast food and cereal for the rest of our lives! "Britty, I'm so sad.." There were tears in Bella's eyes as she pointed over to Quinn's bed where the older blonde was curled up. I bent down and wiped Bella's cheeks and pressed a kiss in her hair before walking over to Quinn.

"Quinn?" I said softly and poked at her figure. "A-Are you alive?" There was a long pause that made me extremely nervous. Then I heard a groan. I instantly felt relieved, so Quinn's not dead.

"Barely." She mumbled then rolled over to face me. "I feel like shit."

"Mommy!" Bella said in a chastising voice.

"Sorry, baby." She mumbled. "I think I've got a migraine or the flue or maybe-"


"No, Britt.." Quinn said with an extremely weak smile. "Not mono." She rolled her head back into the pillows and closed her eyes. "I can't go with you guys ice skating, just take Bella. I'm just going to sleep it off." I looked down to see Bella peeking over Quinn's bed but not really able to see Quinn's face, she still was pouting.

"She'll be okay, Bella." I cooed scooping up the little blonde and gave her a hug. "We'll get mommy some medicine and let her sleep then she'll be all better." Bella nodded with red eyes then buried her face in my neck. I rubbed at her back gently while rocking her from side to side. "I'll go get you some medicine and water. Have you eaten?" I asked Quinn who shook her head slightly at the question. "Okay, I'll bring you a sandwich too then." I carried Bella out to the living room and sat her down to watch some cartoons while I fixed Quinn's food.

"Britty, are we still goin skatin?" Bella asked peeking over the back of the couch at me. I loved hanging out with Bella and I knew how much she's wanted to go, but I didn't want to go by myself. I looked over at Bella's well practiced pout and puppy dog eyes, gee wonder who she picked that up from, and couldn't help but smile at her.

"Of course, Peanut." I replied as I picked up Quinn's sandwich and grabbed a glass of water along with her medicine and carried it to her room. After successfully getting Quinn to swallow the yucky tasting liquid and making sure she was okay to be alone, I went out to check on Bella. She was happily watching some cartoon and giggling at the screen. "Ready to go, kid?" I asked ruffling her blonde hair by leaning over the back of the couch. She scowled and went to fix her hair, totally Quinn, and then turned to give me a bright smile.

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