Chapter 22: S&M

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That Saturday;

I had just finished teaching the new routine to the other dancers, and now I was sprawled out on the floor again trying to steady my breathing. This was probably one of the most elaborate routines I've come up with so far, and if I'm heavy breathing, I know the girls are probably 10 times worse.

"Here you go, Britt." Kurt's cheery voice rang as he skipped over with a water bottle in his hand. I sat up and took the water from him gratefully before chugging nearly all of it. "Woah, someone's thirsty." He laughed as I handed him the now empty bottle.

"Yea thanks, I needed that." I replied somewhat out of breath. "You coming out with us tonight?" I watched as Kurt's face lit up and how he nodded happily.

"Oh yes, I've missed clubbing with the girls!" He cheered, clapping his hands together.

"Well, Sam's coming too." I said with a chuckle. "He's gunna be our DD."

"Ah, you've got a DD?" Kurt asked with his eyes narrowed. "This is definitely going to be a fun night! Can't wait to see a drunk Quinn!" He cheered then we spent the next 5 minutes talking about which club we're going to and what time, until I heard deep voice echoing from the hallway accompanied by a soft raspy one.

"Hey guys, how's everything going?" Noah asked as he walked into the studio with Santana following close behind. I sort of toned out anything my boss was saying when she appeared. Even in simple burgundy jeans and a white vneck, she still looked gorgeous. I caught myself smiling goofily at her as she came closer to Kurt and me.

"Hey Britt-Britt, thought I'd come say 'Hi' since me and Noah are going out for lunch." Santana said with a smile and nodded over to my boss. "He's been a little moody because I haven't been hanging out with him as much as we used to." I watched as the two started playfully bumping each other until I remembered that I hadn't asked Santana if she was going tonight. I mean, I was going to ask her later when I got off but since she's here now..

"Hey, what are you doing tonight?" I asked, my voice pulling Santana away from sucker punching Noah again.

"Hm, nothing. Why?" She shrugged.

"Well, we're going out tonight; me, Quinn, Sam, Kurt, and Blaine." I said hoping that I didn't leave anyone out of the list. "It was Quinn's idea, you want to go?" She looked up at the ceiling like she didn't want to answer my question, it was weird. "Uhm, if you don't want to go it's okay." I said softly, but I really wanted her to go.

"Oh no, I do want to go.." She sighed and looked down at me. "It's just, I haven't really hung out with Quinn or Sam before, I don't want to intrude.." The way she got all shy was so cute to me that I found myself giggling a little at her discomfort.

"Intrude? Santana, you guys always talk to each other." I laughed and watched as she got all nervous looking.

"No, I don't talk to her that much..I mostly talk to Bella." She answered with a small shrug.

"Well then, more reason for you to come out!" I answered happily.

"Oh Satan, please go.." Kurt pleaded with his hands clasped together. "You can even ride with me and Blaine, we'll pick you up!"

"Uhh, I don't know.." Santana still didn't look to enthusiastic. I couldn't understand why she was so against going. I mean, she would mostly be with me and we have never gone out together before so it would be fun, right?

Rachel popped out of the dressing room and called for Kurt while Noah followed him to the room, so now it was just me and Santana. I stood up and made my way to sit down on the counter as Santana followed me with her eyes. I smiled and nodded her to come to me. She had her arms crossed as she walked over to me slowly.

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