Chapter 29: One & Only

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The Next Afternoon;

"Well someone's back to their happy self!" I hear Kurt say from the door way of the dance studio at Showtimes. I do one last spin then give him a big smile. "So how was the park yesterday, I'm guessing you and Santana talked?" He asked as he strolled in with his arms crossed and sat down on a stool next to the mirrors.

"Yeah, we did. Things are somewhat back to normal again. I mean, she's still very sensitive to my feelings and making sure she doesn't upset me. But the whole thing was a big misunderstanding, Bella was totally right about what happened with Brooke and -" I pause when I see him smirking, and now that I think of it, I don't remember telling anyone where I was going yesterday. I narrow my eyes at him, trying to read him. Something definitely seems off. "Did Santana talk to you about it? I-I didn't tell anyone I went to the park.."

"I guess you still haven't taken my advice yet." He teased and pulled out a rolled up magazine from his back pocket then flattened it out, showing me the front page. "It's crazy what you can read about these days." He laughs then hands me the magazine. I flip through the pages and land on a picture of Santana and Brooke hugging. I cringe at seeing it, but try to remind myself of what she said the hug meant. I look below the image and read the caption:

Could this be a Brooktana reunion? What happened with the blonde bombshell? Kicked to the curb already?

"So they still don't know my name?" I asked with a little giggle as I look up to see Kurt with his eyes also glued to the pictures. "They take all these random picture without us knowing, yet they've failed to find out my name?"

"Who knows, Britt, just hope they don't start stalking your house or find out where you work!" 

I nod to him knowingly and continue to read through what reporters thought happened between Brooke and Santana to have them break up. I'm actually a little relieved that the paparazzi isn't as bad as I thought it would be, like people stalking us or having to fight our way out of restaurants when we go on dates. I usually worry more about the normal people with their camera phones rather than the actual professionals. 

Then again, maybe they are the professionals. I shrug and go back to flipping through the pages to look at the pictures. I find a couple more of just her when she was leaving her building or when she's filling up her car at the gas station. I frown when I see how drained she looked in the pictures, and though she had sunglasses on in most, I could already assume she had eye bags. I don't want to think about that though and turn the page to see a picture of me on the ground at the diner and Santana smiling down at me. 

"Oh God, these were great!" He laughed and pointed towards the caption underneath the picture I was already looking at.

Nope, we found her! Surprise appearance made by the blonde bombshell.

I grinned at the nickname I've been dubbed and land on another picture of Santana kneeling just after I've left. My grin sort of faded once I took in the image. It sort of hurt because she looked so defeated and they way she had her eyes closed shut so tightly made it even worse. I couldn't help but feel a little guilty for making her feel like that. Then again, she had me feeling the same for the past 3 days. Then I read the caption:

Guess Miss Lopez wasn't expecting to see her there; can't wait to see what happens next!

"Kurt, what have I said about buying into all those stupid ass gossip magazines?" The two of us jump at the sound of the voice and looked up to see Santana in all her tight blue dress and high heels glory. She had her hand on her hip as she narrowed her eyes on Kurt then pulled away from leaning on the doorway then winked at me. "Hi Chipmunk, these are for you." She said sweetly, totally different from her annoyed tone she used with Kurt, and presented me with a bouquet of daisies. My eyes lit up as she pulled out the flowers from behind her back then looked at me with a big grin and softened eyes. I accepted them gladly and pressed my lips to her cheek.

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