Chapter 5: Make You Feel My Love

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A Couple Mornings later;

Quinn was off today, something about taking Bella to some doctor's appointment or something, so it was just me and Christy working. 

I didn't understand why Quinn was always so mean to the girl; I didn't see anything wrong with her. She always did her share of the work, never caught her texting in the back room, she even offers to sweep up the dining area without me asking her to. 

I guess Quinn sort of misses bossing people around like she did in high school before she got pregnant. I glanced over at the clock; Santana should be coming in any minute now. I looked at my reflection in the shiny metal of the coffee machine and made sure I looked okay. 

I had my hair down today since it was a little colder out than usual and wore my favorite yellow knit beanie. I walked over to the register and leaned on the counter looking down at my hands when I heard the clinking of the bells. I looked up anticipating seeing Santana walk through, but instead saw those three teenagers from a couple weeks ago. 

After Quinn told me that she thought that one of the girls had a crush on me, I noticed her coming in more often.

"Hey Heather!" I greeted and let my eyes fall on the two behind her. "Hey Heather's friends!" I watched them all giggle and poke at each other until the now blushing Heather finally walked up to me. "So hot chocolate again?" I asked and pulled out her usual sized cup. 

She nodded and handed over her money. 

"Alright, Christy will bring it out in a sec." I said cheerfully and watched the group walk slowly over to the other counter, sneaking looks at me every now and then. I shrugged my shoulders and let out a deep breath. 

Kids these days. 

I heard the bells chime again and perked up. This time it had to be Santana.

"Britty!" Bella squealed as she attempted to run to me, pulling Quinn along behind her. 

She was no Santana, but I'm always happy to see Bella. I walked around the counter past the group of teens who still had their eyes on me and scooped up the little girl in my arms.

"Hi Peanut!" I said happily and kissed the top of her head. "Did you come here to visit me?"

"As soon as we left the doctor's office she was so set on coming to visit you at work." Quinn said as she adjusted her purse on her shoulder the reached up to brush through the back of Bella's hair. "Show Brittany what you got at the doctor's office, baby."

 I looked down at the huge grin that was plastered on the little one's face as she held out a lollipop and a few stickers.

"What's all this?" I asked and sat the girl up on the counter as I looked at what she had in her hands.

"I gotta lolly cause I was so good when I gotta shot." She said happily. "I didn't even cry, Britty." Her voice was stern as she looked up at me with this serious face.

"Oh, so tough just like mommy." I said and glanced up at Quinn who was rolling her eyes at me. "What else you got there?"

"Stickers!" She squealed and sprawled out all the stickers on the counter and explained each one to me before handing me one with a killer whale on it. "You can have this one, I know you like whales." She said and offered me the sticker.

"Awh, how sweet of you Bella!" I cooed and poked at the spot just under the collar of my shirt. "Can you put it on for me?" She nodded excitedly and slapped the sticker on. "Do I look cool now?"

"So cool."

I looked up to see Santana standing off to the side of Quinn with a soft smile on her lips. I instantly blushed and looked away from her.

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