Chapter 9: Mystery Girl

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3 Weeks Later;

"So give me an update on what's happening in the world of Brittana." Kurt said as he made his way over to stand next to me while I waited for the rest of the dancers to arrive. I looked at him with my forehead wrinkled in confusion.


"Yeah, Brittany and Santana..Brittana." He said with a shrug. "Don't tell me you never mash people's names together.." He said with a chuckle as he eyed me from the corner of his eyes.

"I do actually." I laughed and thought back to the name I came up for Quinn and Sam. "But yeah, nothing's changed. We're just friends."

"What? I thought you said Santana and Brooke were on a break though?" Kurt asked with his arms crossed as he shifted his weight.

"They were.." I sighed with my eyes focused on the floor. "for a week and 3 days."

One Week Ago;

"So we're still on for lunch later, right?" I asked Santana from behind the coffee machine. Ever since her and Brooke had gone on their break we had been hanging out a lot more, just as friends though. We made it a sort of tradition to go out to Breadstix every Friday and Wednesday just to catch up. I knew she was still a little hurt and I didn't want to swoop in while she still had her mind on someone else. She needed her friend right now, not another girl trying to get in her pants. She nodded at me with a smile.

"Definitely, I actually have a lot to talk about." She said with a shrug. I handed the drink over to the girl with a grin.

"Cool! Can't wait!" I replied excitedly and watched as she waved goodbye and walked out. Little did I know that she and Brooke had just got back together the night before. When she told me the story later at lunch I tried so hard to keep a smile on my face at their reunion, but it was getting harder and harder to pretend to be happy for the girl.

Present Time;

"Ohh.." Kurt mumbled and rubbed on my arm soothingly. "I knew I should've told you that they go on 'breaks' often." If I wasn't feeling bad because I had missed my chance, I was feeling horrible now. "Oh Britt, don't be sad." He said cheerfully, but that was like telling a fish not to breath water. "On the bright side, that was the longest break they had ever been on.." I looked up at him and saw the tenderness in his eyes. "You know what? I bet if you danced in front of her, like up on stage, she'd forget all about Brooke!" He said hugging on my shoulders. "Hell, even I'd break up with Blaine for that!" He teased and dropped his arms. "Well, not really because you're gorgeous and all but I like a P instead of a V." I smiled at him and shook my head.

"You always know the right things to say to make a girl feel loved." I laughed and patted him on the back.

"Well, you know I try my best." He waved a hand in the air and strutted off to Rachel's dressing room. I heard heavy footsteps coming from behind me and spun around to see Noah standing in the doorway with a grin.

"Hey Brittany, how's everything going?" He asked with his hands in his suit pockets.

"Pretty good, just waiting for everyone to come in. ." I shrugged. "Rachel said that last night's performance made it in the newspaper." I watched as Noah's head bobbed up and down proudly.

"Yup, I got it framed up in my office already!" He announced happily. "You had some pretty amazing reviews too. You know Brittany, ever since I promoted you to choreographer this place just keeps getting more and more popular." He said. "All because of you!" I smiled down at my toes bashfully. "And just as a little token of my appreciation, I wanted to give you your holiday bonus personally and a week early I might add." He presented me with an envelope.

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