Chapter 27: Tough Love

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"Santana Lopez!" I yelled into the receiver trying to sound angry. I even set my hands on my hips like Quinn and Bella do for extra emphasis, but I realized that she wouldn't really be able to see that since she was on the phone. Whatever, back to being angry!

"Yes?" Her voice came out almost in a whisper.

"Wait, are you sleeping?" I asked with a quirked eyebrow. I looked over to the digital clock for the time; 3:45pm. Who even sleeps that late in the day?

"Mm, no." She answered softly then there was a long pause. "Maybe.."

"This is not the time for naps, wake up!"

"Mmergsh, I don't wanna.." She mumbled in her sleepy voice. "Why should I?"

"Because, you've got some explaining to do, missy!" I replied, my angry voice wavering at the sound of her cute sleepy talk. Geez, why does she have to sound so cute! Urgh.

"Mm, 'bout what?"

"You know what!"

"Britt, I really don't.." She laughed sounding a little more awake. I could totally picture her shoulders bouncing and her face all scrunched as she spoke. "And stop yelling, I don't like it when you yell.."

"Well I don't like having all these customers staring at me like I'm some sort of half zombie half robot alien creation!"

"Uhh..wait, a what?"

"Kurt showed me the magazine.." I waited for her to catch on but she remained quiet so maybe I thought I was being too vague. "We were on the front cover."

"Damn, already?" She laughed. "Those fuckers are persistent!"

"So I take that you're used to this.."

"Yeah, I guess." She answered. "I mean, they only care because I'm a super hot and super successful lesbian. 'BrookTana' as the media dubbed me and Brooke's relationship was like crack to them since everyone thought we were the perfect couple, and being that she's the head surgeon at one of the top hospitals in New York and I'm the co-owner of one of the most popular record label companies in New York, the media loved us. They obviously didn't know what really went on between us." I found myself frowning at the mention of Brooke's title again and couldn't help but wonder what the media would say about me when they found out that I was just a part time barista as well as a choreographer at some talent bar. I definitely wasn't a surgeon, that's for sure.

"Britt?" She said again after another long pause. "What are you thinking about?" I wanted to say, I don't fit in your life. I'm not a fancy doctor who makes tons of money. I don't have nice things; I don't even have a car. How can I compare to Brooke Petterson, the head surgeon at a highly ranked medical center? I can't. I'm just a dancer and that's all I'll ever be. Just a dancer. But I didn't say that. I couldn't.

"Uh, nothing. Just reading how reports said that neighbors mostly heard your name being called." I smirked then continued. "Which is funny because I'm pretty sure it was you who was doing all the screaming.." All I heard next was laughter.

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that sweetie." She teased making me roll my eyes. "Hey, are you getting off soon?" She asked sweetly. "I miss you.."

"It's only been 5 hours, someone has separation issues." I laughed as I glanced at the time.

"Yes, I need help. A lot of help. Come be my doctor and check me out." She teased seductively, but I could only focus on that one word. Doctor. Why don't you get Brooke to check you out? She's the real doctor..

"I'd do more than just check you out." I flirted back, catching the narrowed eyes of Quinn as she walked pass.

"Wanky." Santana laughed. "So when do you get off?"

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