Chapter 30: The Protector

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Same Night;

"Damn, Santana, that was awesome!" Sam cheered as Santana and I walked back over to the booth hand in hand. I smiled over at her with the widest of grins and squeeze a little on her hand. "Do you think if I got your autograph I could sell it on ebay?" The two of us laugh at Sam's question as she gets within distance of Sam before allowing him to give her a big bear hug.

"Too tight, Sam.." Santana said through a strained voice as he threw his arms around her torso.

"Hey-hey, don't break her!" I warned as I watched Santana get picked up in his big arms and get swung side to side a little. "I'll be sad.."

"Oh sorry, I guess I don't know my own strength sometimes." He teased. "But yeah, you were really great up there!"

"Thanks, Sam." Santana replied with a grin. I watched as the two laughed heartedly and wondered if Santana and Quinn would ever hug each other like that. I mean, having the two most important people in my life not getting along is complete torture. Maybe someday, after Quinn realizes that she's been a little too hard on Santana, we all can be good friends again. I pull myself out of my deep thoughts when I see Quinn sliding out of the booth and walk over to us. Her movement doesn't go unnoticed as Sam glances over at his girlfriend then back at Santana before coming to stand near me.

"Get ready to jump in." Sam whispers to me as we both anticipate what's to come. 

I nod then watch as Santana crosses her arms over her chest and cocks her head to the side before rolling it over to the other. I've noticed she only does that when she feels threatened, like a defense mechanic or something. 

Quinn's a little harder to read though; she's always been like that. Her body language always says one thing but what comes out of her mouth says something totally different. Like right now, she's pursing her lips and narrowing her eyes at Santana. To me, I'd think she's about to let out a long string of things she doesn't like about my girlfriend or how she doesn't deserve me but her hands clasped together says she's guilty. The tension between them is to the point where I can actually feel it radiating off the two. It scares me.

"It seems like I've misjudged you, Santana." Quinn says softly with a shrug as her eyes focus only on Santana's. I watched as Santana stared right back, her body still tensed defensively as Quinn's eyes bore into her. "That little speech you gave before the song," she sighed, "very touching."

"I'm glad you thought so," Santana replied with a strong confident voice, "I was basically talking to you."

"Of course, you never broke eye contact." Quinn replied nonchalantly then there was a short pause. "Something tells me that that wasn't the song you were planning to sing tonight." Santana tilted her head to the side.

"It wasn't."

"Good," Quinn says abruptly then glances over to me then back at Santana. "I don't think any other song could've handled all the emotion you put into it like you did that one. You're a really great performer; I can see why you're in charge of one of the biggest record labels in New York." Sam and I stared at the two with furrowed brows. Quinn's complimenting Santana? What's going on here? Maybe I missed something important when Santana was talking before the song? That could be the reason why Quinn was so calm now, right? Then again, Quinn's always calm, unless she's drunk or it's something with Bella, when she's got something on her mind.

"This is so weird." Sam whispers with his eyes flickering between Santana and Quinn. I look to him and nod. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't expecting there to be some sort of heated argument but so far it's been a very calm conversation. I'm pretty sure I definitely missed something important.

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