Chapter 10: We are Done

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I still couldn't believe I almost went on a date with of all people, the girl that Santana was in a relationship with! After the girl finally revealed her identity, I was so shocked that I ended up calling Quinn out to finish the order before I jumped over the counter and attacked this girl. Like I said, I'm not a fighter but I seriously thought about it after hearing all of the mean things Brookes's done to the girl I had feelings for. Quinn was confused at how weird I was acting but after she had made the girl her drink and shooed her away, I told Quinn everything. To say Quinn was pissed would be an understatement. She cursed me for not telling her before serving her saying she would've spit in her drink or something equally gross. I laughed at her sick ways of getting back and told her that I needed to see Santana asap.

We don't normally have lunch on Thursday, but I told her that I really needed to tell her something. Now I'm sitting across from her at our usual booth in Breadstix trying to figure out the right way to say this. I mean, this isn't really an easy thing to tell someone and I'm not exactly comfortable with crushing the girl's heart.

"Britt.." She said dipping her head down to find my eyes. My stomach flopped at hearing the nickname. "Please, just tell what it is. You're acting really weird." I licked my lips and nodded slowly.

"Sorry, I'm just trying to find a nice way to put this." I muttered with my brows furrowed. "But there isn't really a nice way of putting it." I shrugged and looked up at the Latina was sad eyes.

"That's okay, I'm a big girl." She said reassuringly with a wink. "You don't need to sugar coat it." She added sitting back in her seat with a worried look on her face.

"Right." I mumbled and swallowed thickly. "So I-uh-ran into this girl at work a couple days ago.." I watched as the Latina's eyes scanned mine for where this was going. "She was very pretty and nice, a little too flirty, but still nice." Santana quirked and eyebrow up at me and nodded slowly to urge me to continue. "She had-uh-long wavy light brown hair.." I watched as Santana's eyes widened a little at giving away a similar detail of the girl she was in a relationship with.

"Okay, go on.." She stammered with her head cocked to the side.

"She had asked me out on a date, saying that I was gorgeous and whatever." I said trying to keep my voice low and steady. "I couldn't really say no because her eyes, they were so-"

"Hazel. She had hazel eyes, didn't she?" Santana snapped looking down at her hands as her jaw clenched. "You couldn't say no because they were so hypnotizing, right?" She didn't look up.

"I asked for her name for the drink order and it ended up being her." I added slowly feeling sorry for the girl in front of me. "I said no of course, but I'm really sorry Santana."

"That fucking bitch!" She bit harshly and shook her head. "No wonder she was fucking late that day!" I pressed my lips together, remembering Brooke's phone call.

"It was you that called her.." I breathed. "You asked about a bakery." Santana looked up with watery eyes and nodded. My heart twisted in knots at the tears forming in her eyes. "Please, please don't cry." I begged and reached over to wipe away a fallen tear with the pad of my thumb. I didn't mean to do that, I wasn't thinking, like the hug..i let my body do whatever again. "I hate seeing you cry."

"I know, I'm sorry." She said with a weak smile at dabbed at her eyes with her napkin.

"You deserve so much more." I said without thinking, looking at the girl with a lopsided grin. "Staying with Brooke is only keeping you from finding true love and happiness." I added. "She's got you so messed up, you're blinded by a false love. You don't' even see all the good things that could happen right in front of you." She looked up at me with soft eyes and sucked in her bottom lip before smiling.

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