Chapter 26: Stares

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I awoke the next morning on my side facing a wall. It wasn't my wall though; this wall was painted a deep grey color, the walls in my room are light pink. I pulled my hand out from under the pillow, which wasn't mine either, and felt soft silk. Silk. Last time I remembered touching silk was in my dreams. Dreams. I must be dreaming right now! I bet I'm still in Santana's studio room, listening to her sing something beautiful. That made sense, listening to someone sing always helps me sleep. Not in a way like, "You're boring" but in a calm and soothing way. Like a lullaby. Yeah, she has sung me to sleep and I should be waking up, really waking up, soon.

"Hmm, Britt.."

Well maybe this isn't a dream. Why would we both be sleeping in my dream? Yeah, definitely not a dream. I realized that the weight I was feeling on my waist was her arm draped over my stomach, holding me to her warm body as her chest rose and fell with her soft exhales. I let out a content sigh feeling so protected in her arms, but being so close to her body also made me realize that we were both completely nude still. All the memories from last night came rushing back and I instantly felt my cheeks flush knowing that those were Santana's boobs pressed against my bare back, like without a bra or anything.

"Ermm hm Brr.."

Any embarrassment I was about to feel quickly vanished as Santana continued to mumble in her sleepy voice. How could someone be so cute even in their sleep? I just had to see what she looked like, even if that meant risking waking her up. I slowly maneuvered my body within her embrace, only pausing for a moment when her arm tightened around me and she let out a puff of air, until I was facing her. Oh yeah, she was still beautiful, even more so how the silk sheets fell around her waist revealing her pointy hipbone. My eyes trailed up her side, over the grooves of her rib cage, noticing that her skin was covered in goosebumps. I carefully pinched the sheets and slid them up to her shoulder then wrapped an arm around her, hoping that might warm her up a little. I ran my hand down the segments of her spine, smiling at the softness of her skin.

Suddenly, I felt her doing the same and looked up to find deep brown eyes staring into my piercing blue. I don't know why, but I felt myself blushing again. Just a second ago I was attempting to memorize every dip and groove of her back, not realizing she had been watching me, but now I felt a little embarrassed. I felt her chest rise and fall quickly several times against mine as she snickered.

"Morning, gorgeous." She said in a low raspy voice. She made this disgruntled expression at hearing the sound of her own voice and tried clearing her throat. "Mm, isn't my morning voice so sexy?" She teased, her voice coming out sounding the same.

"Mhm, the sexiest." I giggled and stared up at her, seeing a twinkle in her eye. Even with her hair in a tangled mess and her face free of makeup, I still couldn't help but smile at how beautiful she was. "You're really pretty in the morning." I said without thinking and watched as she tilted her head to the side and laughed.

"Just in the morning?" She smirked then lifted her hand to brush away some fallen hair from my eyes. Even after everything that's happened between us, all our progress we've made, she still somehow managed to leave me speechless from the simplest things like her little touches. "Just kidding, babe." She cooed then cupped my chin and pressed her lips to mine. I grinned at the contact as her hand slid from my chin and rested on my hip. We spent the next couple minutes just looking at each other and smiling like we were telling silent jokes or something. I liked it, but what I liked even more was what happened last night. Last night. Just thinking about it gave me all these warm fuzzy feelings, and by the way she's looking at me right now tells me she's probably thinking about the same thing.

"What are you thinkin' about?" I asked softly as I watched her cheeks bunch up in a grin.

"You first."

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