Chapter 11.

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-Virgil's POV-

We left Logan to get on our plane home. I let Patton take the window seat. He says he likes to look out on the clouds. I don't get it. Heights gives me anxiety. Plus, there really isn't anything to see. But he says it looks like cotton candy. So, I let him have his fun.

When we arrive at the airport, Patton is so excited to be home, that we walk as fast as we can to get out to where Patton's mom Sarah is waiting for us. We only have our carry-on bags, so we don't have to wait. Patton is walking so fast, that I almost can't keep up. "Slow down Pat!" I laugh. He slows a bit down, but he is still smiling like a little kid on Christmas morning.

"Sorry. I'm just really excited. I haven't seen my family in months" he says timidly. I roll my eyes at him. "I get it. I'm excited to see your family and my mom too, but you really don't have to walk so fast."

He looks embarrassed until he notices his mom waving a rainbow flag. They've always been so supportive of me and Patton being gay.

I can see a few people giving her the stanky eye. But she doesn't care, and just hugs Patton. He blushed when she kisses him on the cheek like he's embarrassed, but I know he doesn't mind. "Virgil it's so good to see you" Sarah says and gives me a hug too. "Your mom is at work right now, so you're welcome to hang out at our house until she comes home."

My mom has worked two jobs since my dad left, so this isn't much of a surprise. At least now she doesn't have to pay for me living there anymore.

"That sounds really nice. Thanks Sarah." My mom doesn't even have to work that much anymore since she saved up for me to go to college, but then I got a scholarship for graphic design, but she says it keeps her busy.

Patton's mom loops her arm through mine and Patton's on the other side. It must look really weird since she is so much shorter than us.

In the car, Patton and his mom are talking away about everything that's been going on. I let them talk, occasionally answering a question from Sarah, but just look out of the window. It's going to be nice to get away from the whole situation. To not share a room with him, not knowing if...

No, not now Virgil. Enjoy your time off instead.

We reach the street that we both grew up on. The street where we used to run around and play pretend. Our moms yelling at us to not get run over. Thankfully, that never happened.

Sarah parks in front of Patton's house. It's a bit bigger than me and my moms, which is right next door. I don't know how that happened. "So how does it feel to be home again boys?" asks Patton's mom as she steps out of the car.

"It's so nice. I'm so glad to be home and to see you all, although I am going to miss Logan" Patton replies, and his mom gives him a weird look. "Logan? Who's that?" she wants to know, raising an eyebrow.

"You haven't told your mom about Logan?" I look at Patton as he starts to blush. Oh, this is going to be fun. I laugh at him, and his mom says that we'll have to discuss this later. With her unusual amount of body strength, she pulls our suitcases from the trunk and hands me mine. She leans in and whispers to remind her to ask about Logan later.

I laugh again and nod. Patton never said that he hadn't told his family about Logan. I will have to question him later, although it will be difficult with everyone around. And then I see a short figure with maroon coloured hair, open the front door and run in me and Patton's direction.

She jumps at me, knocking the air from my lungs. I can hear Patton laugh beside me. I mouth at him to shut up, which just makes him laugh even more.

She finally lets go after a few seconds and I regain my balance. "Nice to see you too Scarlett, but shouldn't you hug your actual brother before me?" I ask her. She rolls her eyes with a smile. "Patton knows I like you more than him" she replies, which makes Sarah giggle.

"I'm kidding" Scarlett laughs and gives her brother a hug. When she lets go, she loops her arms through mine and Patton's, just like her mom did at the airport. Dragging my suitcase across the driveway, thoughts of all the drama back at school, subside and I smile. It's good to be home.

-Roman's POV-

I told Logan I wasn't going home for Christmas, and I'm not. I don't even think I can call it home anymore. I could have just gone home with Logan and celebrate with him and his moms, but my parents would know that I was in town. Plus, I can't handle Logan full time every day.

I'm used to spending Christmas alone anyway. Well technically I wasn't alone, but I might as well have been. Christmas, or any holiday for that matter, has not been a priority in my family for years. It used to be fun when I was little. When me and Remus were close. Too bad it's not like that anymore.

I pull out my phone to write to emo_nightmare. He's been awfully quiet the last few days. I don't know why



You Haven't Written Back In A>
While. Are You Okay?

I anxiously await his reply. It might take a while, but I can't help but open and close Wattpad again and again, waiting for a new message. After a while, I give up. He said that he was going home for Christmas, so he's probably on a flight or spending time with his family. I'm almost jealous.


I've kind of been on a roll lately so I thought I would post another chapter for you guys. Hope you liked it


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