Chapter 9.

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-Virgil's POV-

This has turned out to be the most awkward afternoon of my life. Roman refuses to talk to me, and I'm fine with that. I still don't know how to feel about it all. If we get some kind of proof that he is Sir-Sing-A-Lot, then what am I going to do?

Will I tell him or not?

I'm not sure if I even want a relationship. But I like him. UGH! Why does it have to be so complicated?!

I don't notice that I've been lost in my own thoughts, until I feel a pain in my arm. I look up. Patton is poking me repeatedly with his finger. "Stop it" I say and push his hand away. They're all looking at me. Great. Now I'm being weird.

I can see the left corner of Roman's mouth, curl into a smirk. I really want to tell him to wipe that smirk off his face, but I stop myself. Patton probably wouldn't like it.

"Virgil, truth or dare?" he asks. "Truth" I say. I don't care. Can they just get to asking Roman already?

Patton asks me some insignificant question, that I answer without thinking much about it. It doesn't matter anyway. But it's my turn, so I ask Logan. I don't even know what I dare him to do, but he does it and Roman and Patton laugh. At least Roman stopped smirking at me.

"Roman" Logan says, and I flinch. Please let this be it. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth" he says, still smiling from before. Logan takes a second, acting like he hasn't been brainstorming what to say since they came up with this idea.

"What does your online friend look like?" Logan finally asks. Really? That's what he came up with? I really hope Logan knows what he's doing.

I look down at my hands. Roman sighs. "Well I actually don't know" he says, and I raise my head a little. He isn't smiling anymore. "For one you can't send photos on Wattpad, which is kind of annoying, but even if we could I still wouldn't know."

Roman stops for a second. No one interrupts him. "He told me that he doesn't want me to judge him from what he looks like" he continues. "And that our society is so obsessed with looks, that he just prefers for our conversation to be unaffected by that."

My body goes into panic mode. That is almost word for word from what I told Sir-Sing-A-Lot. He couldn't have known that unless...


Just no. Nope, it isn't him.

It can't be and therefore it isn't.

I refuse to believe it. 


Roman's eyes are kind of glossy. He's looking at the wall. No one is saying anything. Thank god he isn't looking at me. Otherwise he would see the look of panic on my face.

It feels like everything is moving in slow motion. Until Roman removes himself from the daze he was in. He blinks a few times and smiles again. But it isn't as real as before. The corners of his mouth are quivering slightly.

"Ahh well, I have homework to do" he says and stands up. He walks to the door.


"Bye" Patton says. I can feel him and Logan, turn to look at me. I'm guessing from my reaction, they know something is up. But they're just sitting there. Waiting for me to say something.

"What he said is almost exactly the same as what I told Sir-Sing-A-Lot. I can't see how it's possible for it to be a coincidence" I say. Patton and Logan look at each other. I refuse to look either of them in the eyes. I know Patton is my best friend, but he doesn't know how this feels. How it's all so confusing.

And wonderful.

And horrifying all at the same time.

"But I don't want you to look more into it alright?" I continue before the others say anything. "Why?" Patton asks. I don't know exactly what to tell him. I don't like lying to Patton, but I can't tell him the truth. I just can't. 

"I want to figure this out on my own. It feels wrong that we're all in on this, and I need to think about what to do." That's technically only a partial lie.

Logan nods. "We understand completely. Don't we Patton?" he says and looks sternly at Patton. "Wha... oh yeah, of course Virgil" he says. I'm not convinced, but I'll take what I can get.

We all sit in silence for a few minutes. None of us know what to say.

The school stuff that Roman brought with him, is still here. I stand up and grab it. "I better take this back to Roman" I say. The others nod. I leave the room in silence.

Roman is sitting on his bed when I come back. He's looking at his phone, completely ignoring me, as I walk through the door. Even though he probably heard me. I'm used to it by now.

"You forgot your stuff. Logan told me to bring it back to you" I say and place his books on his desk.

Roman looks up at me.

He looks confused. His hair is covering is eyes slightly, but I could swear I saw a hint of gratitude in there. "Oh thanks" he finally replies. His tone isn't venomous like it usually is when he's directly addressing me.

I nod awkwardly and walk away. I feel like I could just go to sleep right then and there, but I pull out my phone instead. Patton sent me a message.


7:32 PM

<Are you okay Virgil?????

i'm fine pat>

<Well goodnight then kiddo


I can't help but smile. I don't know how this is going to end, but at least Patton can always cheer me up.


Yet another chapter. I really hope you liked it. It was fun to write


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