Chapter 7.

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-Patton's POV-

-Later, the same day-

I don't know if I should tell Logan about my suspicion that Virgil is talking to Roman without knowing it. What if it really is him? What would happen then?

But there is no way it could be. Right?

Maybe I should tell Logan. Just to get it off my chest. I walk across the room to his desk, where he is sitting very concentrated with his nose in a very large book. It almost feels wrong to disturb him.


He raises his head and smiles. I feel a little less nervous. "Yes what is it Patton?" he asks.

"Well I talked to Virgil today and he told me something... interesting" I begin. Logan closes his book and puts it aside. It has some old guy on the cover and the title is something I can't even pronounce in my head.

I take a step closer and continue. "He told me about this guy he's been talking to online and I just..."

I don't know how to say the next thing, so instead Logan takes my hand and leads me up to sit on his desk. I swing my legs back and forth. "Well it was just... The things that he told me about the guy, reminded me of Roman."

Logan widens his eyes in surprise. "The very same thing happened with me today, when I was speaking with Roman" he reveals and my jaw drops.

"Wait really?"

"I thought the situation was rather peculiar. The coincidence seemed too unlikely, but it was the only thing that really made sense in the moment" he says.

Well this is unexpected.

"Roman told me that he had been talking to this guy who went to this school, is sarcastic and writes no capitalised letters for the aesthetic" Logan explains.

"That does sound like Virgil. But there is no way we could know for sure" I say. Logan stands up and walks around the room. He has that expression on his face, where he is thinking really hard. He does that a lot and I like to watch him, but this time he only paces back and forth a few times before he says: "Roman said that the guy's username was 'emo_nightmare'."

I widen my eyes in complete surprise. "That's Virgil's username." It came out so quietly I don't even know if Logan heard me. But based on his next question, I guess he did.

"Spelled without any capital letters?"

I nod. Oh my goodness.

"And it was on Wattpad" he asks.

I nod again.

"And their descriptions sounds suspiciously like they're describing each other without knowing it. Which clearly says that they don't notice anything about each other in real life, because if they did, they would see the similarities" Logan adds, more to himself than me.

He sits down again. "What should we do?" I ask. There really only is two things we could do. It might not end well either way, but there is more possibility for something to happen if we tell them.

"I say we don't tell them" Logan begins. "Not until we have definite proof because they will not believe us if we tell them now. And we don't even know for sure."

"I guess you're right" I admit and walk over to him. Logan pulls me in for a hug and I feel safe in his arms. "This is just all so confusing."

-The next day-

It's the weekend and I'm meeting Virgil for lunch. I can't stop thinking about what I talked with Logan about last night. I really want to tell him, but Logie said not to.

Virgil told me to wait for him at the café and the second he walks in, I can see why. He is wearing the same clothes he wore yesterday, his hair is messy, and he has dark circles under his eyes, but it isn't from the black eyeshadow he normally wears. He has real dark circles. He looks pretty bad, but still has a big smile on his face when he sees me.

"Hey kiddo. You don't look so good" I say, expressing my concern. Virgil laughs. "Yeah, I was up really late last night, writing with the guy I told you about. He said he couldn't sleep because he couldn't stop thinking about me."

He sits down opposite me and doesn't stop smiling. He looks kind of crazy, with the messy hair and dark circles, and then the smile that doesn't seem to want to fade anytime soon. I can't help but laugh. "Should we order?" I ask.

-A little later-

We've eaten and chatted and laughed. It's very nice to just hang out with him. But he keeps going back to talking about the guy, and I can't help but think of the conversation I had with Logan yesterday. I really want to tell him about our theory.

"It feels right. Our relationship or whatever it is" Virgil says and I can't hold it in any longer.

"Virgil, it's Roman!" I exclaim.

He looks confused and I realise I might have to explain. Logie wouldn't be very happy about this, but I don't want to lie to my best friend.

"Me and Logan talked yesterday, and it seems that this guy you can't stop talking about, is Roman."

Virgil is silent for a moment. "Yeah sure" he laughs. I don't say anything, but just look at him with what I hope, is a serious look in my eyes. "But you don't lie. And you wouldn't joke about something like this. Oh shit" he says.

He buries his face in his hands. "Roman has been talking about this guy he's been talking to, with Logan, who sounds like you and has the same username as you, and the things you've been telling me, sound like him. But you wouldn't know that because you and Roman never bothered to get to know each other" I explain.

Virgil raises his head and looks at me. "Does Roman know?" he whispers.

I shake my head. "Logan told me not to tell you, but it felt wrong to lie to you. We aren't going to tell Roman. Unless you want us to" I say.

"No. No I don't want him to know" Virgil mumbles and looks down at his plate. "I mean it might not even be Roman" I tell him. Virgil just smiles sadly.

"But what if it is?"


Hehehe. That's all I'm going to say


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