Chapter 1.

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-Virgil's POV-

"115, 116, 117." I stop outside 117 and open the door. I'm met with two beds, and two windows. The curtains are open, and light is shining through. Two nightstands and two dressers. All in dull brown colours. I close the door, and put my suitcase on the bed to the right. My roommate has not arrived yet. Gives me time alone to unpack.

There is two desks, a minifridge and a sink. Guess we'll be sharing those. I put on my headphones. I take my phone out of my hoodie pocket, and press play on The Black Parade album by My Chemical Romance. There's a door on each side of the room. I open it. It's a closet. What else?

I continue to unpack while wondering what my roommate is like. I'm still not sure why I agreed, to live with a roommate. My best friend Patton said that:

"You have to live with a roommate in college! It's part of the fun. And who knows? You might even make a friend. Or maybe a boyfriend."

He was very persistent. And added that we couldn't live together, because you're supposed to meet new people. He knows that I'm not good with new people, or just people in general, so I don't get why he would think I could get a friend. Let alone a boyfriend. 

I don't even know if he's gay. He could be straight. He could be an asshole. He could be homophobic! Nope, stop it Virgil. Don't assume anything before you've met him. He might be really nice.

-About an hour later-

I finally finished unpacking, and I lay down on my bed, not bothering to take my shoes off. In that second, my phone starts ringing. I pick it up.

"Hey Kiddo!" an enthusiastic voice says on the other line.

"What's up Pat?" I ask.

"Nothing much, just wanted to know how you are" Patton answers.

I know that's not why he called. "My roommate isn't here yet." I can almost hear his brain thinking hard, to come up with a reason why, that wasn't why he called.

"Pat I know you. It's fine. And besides. When I do meet him, I will tell you everything" I assure him. He laughs. "Okay Kiddo."

I ask him if he has met his roommate yet. "Yes, I have. He was here before I came! He's really nice and very clever" Patton exclaims. The dude sounds normal, so I'm not concerned for Patton. He'll be fine.

We talk for a while. It's nice. Makes me less anxious about college and reminds me of home, when we used to talk on the phone all the time at night, because I couldn't sleep, and he refused to go to sleep before I did. 

He's the best friend I've ever had.

-Roman's POV-

-A little while after-

Here's to the first day of the next few years of my life! I walk down the hallway while quietly humming Helpless from Hamilton. It's been stuck in my head all day. 

"Ahh here we are" I say as I arrive outside of room 117. I wonder if my roommate is there already.

When I open the door, I am met with a boy sitting on the bed to the right. He is leaning up against the back of the bed, with his ankles crossed. He's looking at his phone, while listening to music on his headphones. At least it looks like he's listening to music, because he is moving his head to the beat. His bedsheets are purple and black, just like his entire outfit. Even his hair is purple.

I close the door and he looks up at me. He takes his headphones off and sends me an awkward smile. I don't know why, but it feels like a bad sign. Okay Roman, don't judge him before you've actually talked to him. Of course it's awkward. 

"Hello, it is nice to meet you. I'm Roman" I say and walk closer to him, while flashing him a smile. I stretch out my hand. He stands up and takes it. "Virgil" he says. He quickly lets go and takes a step back. I get the vibe, he is not the most social of people, but it's fine.

"So, are you excited about classes tomorrow?" I ask him, just to fill out the awkward silence.

"Yeah I think so. I'm looking forward to my graphic design course" he says after a brief moment.

"Splendid. I'm excited about my theatre class" I reply excitedly. He nods and I decide not to continue. It's obvious he doesn't want to chat. Don't fret Roman. Maybe he was nervous.

-Virgil's POV-

I hear the door close through my music. I look up. There is a guy standing at the door with a large suitcase. He has brown hair and is wearing jeans, a white t-shirt and a brown leather jacket. I take off my headphones and send him a smile that I hope doesn't look too weird.

This is really awkward. He walks closer, and stretches out his hand for me to shake it. "Hello, it is nice to meet you. I'm Roman" he says.

I stand up and take his hand. "Virgil." I have no idea what else to say. I'm not good at conversation in general, especially not when meeting someone new. We shake hands, and I take a step back. It would be weird if I stood too close to him.

"So, are you excited about classes tomorrow?" Weird question. Though you gotta appreciate, that he tries to make things less awkward. Even if it doesn't work.

"Yeah I think so. I'm looking forward to my graphic design course" I answer in an effort to not be rude even though this conversation is obviously doomed.

"Splendid. I'm excited about my theatre class." He says it a little too excited, and I think he knows that, because a moment after, he walks over to the other bed and starts to unpack. Thank goodness, that was horrible.

I sit back down and continue with my stuff. So, he's a theatre guy. Maybe he is gay. Or maybe not. Honestly I don't care. This interaction was so disastrous, that we probably won't ever speak that much. It's gonna be an interesting year.


It's going to be a very interesting year. So excited for this book. See you in the next chapter


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