Chapter 4.

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-Virgil's POV-

I'm waiting for Patton in the cafeteria. The food is kind of boring today. I take a bite out of my apple, just as someone sits down next to me. It's Patton. His smile is wider than usual. And somehow, more genuine. 

"What's up with you?" I ask.

"Nothing" he shrugs but keeps smiling. I narrow my eyes at him. Hmm. "Patton" I begin. "You're acting weird." Or at least more weird than usual. 

"Really? I hadn't noticed" he grins. Now it's getting a bit annoying.

"Patton tell me why you're acting like this, or I'll take your cookie" I tell him. I know he loves his cookies. "Ugh fine" he gives in, and his smile fades a little but doesn't completely go away. "I have a boyfriend" he says. I sit up and give him a surprised look. 


"Yeah" he smiles. Ups I said that one out loud. "Who? When? How?!" I enquire. He laughs. "Let's start with who" Patton says. He takes a deep breath. "It's my roommate."

"Really?" I ask. "Is it so hard to believe that I have a boyfriend?" He seemed a bit offended. I mentally slap myself. 

"No, it's just that we've only been here for a few months and you're not exactly the most direct person, when you like someone" I try. Real smooth Virge.

"I'm sorry. I meant that you haven't known anyone here for very long. I know you're a very friendly person and..."

"It's fine Virge. I'm not mad at you" he interrupts and sends me a smile. I feel so embarrassed. "I know what you meant, and I get why you're surprised. I would be surprised if you told me you have a boyfriend."

I laugh. "As if that would ever happen" I say. He gives me a look that says, 'you sure about that?' "Neither of us are experienced when it comes to dating, but you are by far the one most likely to get a boyfriend after a few months in a new place." I smile. "Obviously."

We both laugh. I don't know what I would have done if I didn't have him here. "Don't underestimate yourself kiddo. You're a rather good-looking guy." He winks. Oh god. "Please don't do that Pat. It's really weird" I tell him. 

More laughing. "But seriously Virgil. You're a nice guy and any man would be lucky to date you." I look down at my plate. He's just saying that to be nice. 

"And I'm not just saying it to be nice." I shoot him the same look he shot me. "I know you. We've been best friends since we were... what 5?" he asks. I nod. Wow, has it really been that long?

"I'm just saying that you shouldn't jump to conclusions. I know you have a habit of doing that, but you will find love. It might not be now, but someday you will. Hang in there kiddo." He is totally serious, but I can't help but laugh. And soon he starts laughing with me.

-Roman's POV-

"I have something to tell you" Logan says. He is slightly less like his usual sophisticated self. I can sense that he's nervous and happy at the same time and trying not to show it. He's doing a pretty good job, it's just because I know him so well. 

"I'm seeing someone." 


"I am in a relationship."


He gives me an annoyed look. Get it together Roman. "Sorry, I'm just really surprised" I explain. He sighs. "It's fine. I had expected for you to be surprised. Since my love life is rarely discussed, because there isn't much to discuss, it is completely customary for you to react this way."

"Oh okay" I say. "So, tell me." Logan looks confused. 

"Tell me about him!"

"Sure. He is my roommate" he tells me. An unexpected turn of events. "Really?" I smirk. He rolls his eyes, but I can see the corners of his mouth turning slightly up. Oh, this is serious. 

"Yes. He is very nice." I can't help but smile. "... And rather cute" he ends. Okay. This is... this is very unexpected. He might be good at hiding it, but I know him, and I know that he is happy. And that he really likes this guy. 

"This is very unlike you" I start. He looks down at his hands. I'm guessing he doesn't want me to see him smile. "I like it."

-Virgil's POV-

We are about to go to class, when Patton stops and waves at someone. He smiles and asks if I would like to meet him. The boyfriend. "Sure" I say, suddenly feeling slightly anxious for no reason.

The guy Patton waved at, stands up. He is wearing a black polo shirt, a tie and black glasses that look very much like the ones Pat wear. He says something to someone sitting with their back turned to us and walks closer. 

I can sense Patton's excitement. He must really like this guy. They come over here and Patton wraps his arms around him. "This is Logan" he giggles. I stretch out my hand and he shakes it. "I'm Virgil" I say. The friend comes up to us. "Patton, this is my best friend Roman" Logan says.

Holy shit.

They shake hands. And we make eye contact. 

-Roman's POV-

Logan stands up. "It's my boyfriend. Would you like to meet him?"

I smile. "That would be grand!" I exclaim. We walk over there, and I can sense Logan is nervous. He's not the most experienced when it comes to relationships. 

A guy with brown hair and glasses, wraps his arms around Logan. He is slightly shorter than him. "Patton, this is my best friend Roman" Logan introduces me. I shake his hand. And then...

Virgil and I make eye contact. 

Oh my god. 


"Hello Roman" Virgil says coldly. I would like to tell him that the eyeshadow he has on, makes him look like a raccoon, but I don't want to embarrass Logan in front of his new boyfriend. I have my principles. Unlike Virgil, who I know is dying to say something equally as venomous as what I wanted to say. 

But I guess he doesn't want to embarrass his friend either, because he just stares me down instead. 

"Greetings Virgil." I try to sound as bitter and cold as possible. I hate that guy. 

Luckily, everyone else in the cafeteria starts to walk to class. At least I don't have to continue talking to Count Woe-laf. I just follow everyone else. God are we going to have to hang out all four now?


Oh, the drama. Is it weird that I'm really proud of this chapter? Nah I don't think so


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