Chapter 12.

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-Virgil's POV-



<You Haven't Written Back In A
While. Are You Okay?

sorry, i've been spending time with>
my family. i'm fine. how are you?

I hope he isn't suspecting anything. It's a completely normal explanation, so there's no reason why he should. And it's technically true, so I'm not lying to him by saying that. Oh who am I kidding? There's one reason, and one reason only, why I haven't been talking to him. But I'm obviously not going to tell him that. 

There's a knock at the door. My mom steps into my room with a steaming mug. "I brought you some hot chocolate" she says with a smile. It's been nice to hang out just the two of us. She got some days off work so we could celebrate Christmas together. 

"Thanks" I reply and take the mug. 

"You've been a little down since coming home. Are you okay Virge?" she asks with a concerned look. I blow on the hot chocolate and take a sip. It warms my throat on the way down to my stomach. "I'm alright" I lie not to worry her. Clearly it doesn't work because she gives me that look. You know, the one your parent gives you, when they know you're lying. 

"Virgil Elliott Black, don't you dare lie to me. Now tell me what's going on!"

I sigh. And then I tell her everything. About Sir-Sing-A-Lot and playing truth or dare. How Patton and Logan tried to help. How confusing the whole thing is. And the whole time, she just sits there. Listening intently to the whole situation. 

"This is straight out of a romcom" she says when I finish. I can't help but laugh. "That's what I thought. But we're not in a romcom, so I doubt it'll end like one" I sigh. "I just don't know what to do."

My mom takes the empty mug from my hand and puts it on the bedside table. She moves closer to me and puts her arm around my shoulder. "You'll know what to do. You always figure things out" she tells me. I scoff, but can't help the tiny smile that spreads across my face. 

"Hey what if you investigate?" mom asks. I look at her, confused. "You know. Go through Roman's things, while he isn't there, to find definite proof."

"Mom!? That's a HUGE invasion of privacy!" I exclaim. Although I have to admit that I'm annoyed, I didn't come up with the idea first. "Hasn't he told you something, that he hasn't told anyone else?" she continues, ignoring my shocked exclamation. 

"Well, there was something" I admit hesitantly. 

She gives me a mischievous smile. I roll my eyes at her. "He told me about an emotional support teddy bear, he hides in the bottom drawer in his room" I begin, and my mom shifts in her seat. "But that doesn't prove anything, even if he has a teddy bear in his drawer."

"What are you talking about Virgil? Of course it proves it. I mean if he has it. Do you know what it looks like?" she wants to know. I reluctantly admit that I do. "And...?" she trails on. 

"I'm not gonna tell you. It's a secret!" I laugh and hit her with my pillow. She laughs. "Hey!"

And we both explode into a fit of laughter. We keep laughing until I can't breathe. "I missed this" I say when I catch my breath. 

"Me too" she replies. "You gotta come home more often." I nod. "College life is busy, you know?" I say. Mom smiles sadly. "I know" she sighs. Then she stands up and takes the mug. "You coming down to watch Nightmare before Christmas?" she asks. 

One of our Christmas traditions. We always watch Nightmare before Christmas on Christmas eve. "Yeah I'll be down in a minute" I answer. She closes the door on her way out. I go to check if I've gotten a reply on Wattpad. 


<Completely understandable. I'm Not
Doing The Best Right Now TBH.
Christmas Has Always Been A Lonely
Time Of Year For Me

<But It's Whatever

Wow. He seems way more muted than usual. It's kind of concerning. I mean even when Roman was being an asshole, he was extra and dramatic.

it doesn't seem like it's whatever> 

<It Isn't. I Just Don't Want To Bother
You With The Details

it doesn't bother me. you can>
tell me

it takes him a while to respond. I can hear my mom downstairs, getting ready to watch the movie with me. I can't keep her waiting all night. 

<Alright, Here Goes

<I've Never Been Close With My
Parents. Even As A Child, They
Were Never Really There For Me
And My Brother. So Christmas
Was Never Special Because Me
Parents Were Always Working.

<Didn't Help When I Came Out.
They Act Like They're Okay With
It, But I know They Aren't. 

<And I Used To Be Really Close
With My Brother, But Not
Anymore. We Grew Apart.
Christmas Just Reminds Me Of
My Screwed Up Family.
That's Why I Didn't Go Home.
Because There Isn't Anything
To Go Home To

Wow. Just... wow. Shit, now I feel bad. 

shit i'm so sorry>

i don't know what to say>

<You Don't Have To Say Anything.
It Was Kind Of Nice To Get It Off
My Chest

"Virgil are you coming?" I hear my mom yell. "In a second" I yell back. There isn't really anything I can do, but I do feel kind of bad for how I treated Roman. You know, if it's him.


Now doesn't that sound like a nice Christmas tradition? And yes, I know Nightmare before Christmas, is technically a Halloween movie, but isn't it a very Virgil thing to watch it at Christmas? I mean Halloween is his favourite holiday, so why not watch something Halloween-y at Christmas? Anyway, hope you liked it.


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