Chapter 27.

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Content warning: Blood, cuts and bruises

-Roman's POV-

I walk over to my closet and start rummaging through all my stuff. Why do I have so many clothes? "What are you doing?" Virgil asks.

I find what I was looking for and walk back over to him. I knew it was in there somewhere. "I said I was going to fix you, so that's what I'm gonna do" I tell him and put my first aid kit on the bed beside him.

"Wow you're going all in" Virgil says, looking at the kit. "Honestly Roman, I'm fine." I choose to ignore him and pull his desk chair over to the bed. I don't understand how he can just not care about how he's hurt. "Roman you really don't need to do that" he tries again.

He removes the paper towel from his lip and lays it down on the bed. It isn't bleeding anymore.

"Yes I do Virgil. You're hurt because of me and the least I can do is help you with your bruises" I explain. "Now can you pull your pants up?" He pulls up his pant legs, but it's clear he's not happy with the situation. I stand up and get a piece of cloth from the cupboard. I put it under the tab and bring it back to clean the lines of red running down Virgil's legs.

He breathes in sharply and winces as I start wiping away the blood with the cloth. I can tell it hurts when I touch the cuts. Good thing they're mostly superficial.

"It wasn't just for you, you know. It was for me too." I stop what I'm doing for a moment and look up at him.

"I knew him in high school. We used to be friends" he tells me. I continue cleaning his legs as he gains the courage to go on. "He was a really nice kid back in middle school. Shy and quiet. But he changed and became who he is now."

I can hear the sorrow in his voice. I raise my head again. His eyes are glossy at he looks back at me. Suddenly I want to pull him closer. To protect him from the world.

-Virgil's POV-

It feels weirdly good to finally be able to tell him the whole story. But I'm terrified about what's coming. "Wow. I don't know what to say. I'm really sorry you had to go through all that" Roman says. I shake my head in defeat.

"I told myself I would never tell anyone this, but I feel like I have to tell you. I need to."

I can feel Roman looking up at me, but I focus my attention on my hands. I can't stretch the fingers on my left hand fully. It hurts too much. I probably won't be able to draw for a couple of days. Or at least today.

I take a deep breath. "I haven't dated anyone since then" I say quietly, but it seems Roman heard me. He doesn't say anything and just lets me continue.

"I've always been so scared it would happen again. He was my first boyfriend and the first person I opened up to in that way. And he cheated on me. With someone I considered a friend no less. I found out after, that they'd been hooking up in secret the whole time we were together."

I try to swallow the lump forming in my throat. Roman is still silent.

"Ever since, I've been terrified of getting hurt if I ever opened myself up to someone. If I ever fell in love. I've been so scared of falling in love. And then you came along."

I look at Roman through my bangs, hoping he doesn't notice. He isn't looking at me anymore and is focused on slowly putting band aids on the cuts that need it. Of course he doesn't want to look at me anymore. He's regretting ever getting involved with me.

"You were the first person I opened my heart up to since then. It's not something I was planning on. It just happened, and I got all excited and then Chad came back and ruined everything. And I felt even more lost than last time. Because you weren't just some teenage crush on a guy that asked me out and dated me for a few weeks" I continue.

"You were the kind of person I thought I could fall in love with."

I can feel Roman quickly moving his head up to look at me again. The lump in my throat is growing. My vision gets blurry. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.

"The whole thing kinda messed with my head. Clearly" I croak. "So, it wasn't just for you. I needed to prove to myself that I was strong. Strong enough to not care about him and what he did to me." Something warm rolls down my cheek. My voice doesn't sound like my own.

Why did I have to start crying? Now Roman's going to think I'm pathetic. Or he doesn't care. I don't see why he would. Why would he care about me?

"I'm sorry. You don't have to listen to me. You don't ca..." I begin but is interrupted by Roman moving his face up to press his lips against mine. He grabs my face and pulls me up so we're both standing.

With the way he kisses me, I feel dumb for ever doubting if he cares about me.

Every inch of my body is on fire. I can feel him running through my veins, all the way from my head to my toes. It's electricity. It's a drug. I'm addicted to this feeling, and I don't ever want him to stop. But he does stop and pulls away from me.

"Don't ever apologise for any of that" he says seriously. He lets go of me and sits back down on the chair with a sigh. I sit back down too. Roman takes my hand.

"I have something to tell you too" he admits. I don't say anything. "I think deep down I knew Chad wasn't you. I think I stayed with him so I wouldn't have to be alone. Being with him, even though he made me miserable, was better than being alone. I really wish I hadn't stayed so long though. Maybe this would've happened sooner."

I squeeze his hand reassuringly. He smiles. "And don't worry. I'm in love with you too."


I don't give a single shit if it's too early for them to say that. I think it's the perfect time and they deserve to be happy now.

Also New Years sucks so hopefully this doesn't


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