Chapter 18.

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-Virgil's POV-

I walk through the doors on my first day of sophomore year, with my best friend Patton right beside me. "Uh I'm so excited" he giggles. I don't get it. It's just school. I roll my eyes as I ask how he can possibly be excited. "Oh, come on Virge. Don't be such a buzzkill. It's not that bad".

I chuckle. "You're such a weirdo" I tell him. He giggles and gives me a friendly push. "Speaking of where's Chad?" he asks.

I look around. "I don't know. I haven't seen him all summer."

I suddenly get pushed aside by a group of people. Popular kids who think they own the hallways. They're all idiots. I don't bother saying anything to them. Pat asks if I'm okay and just as I'm about to answer, I spot a familiar face in the group.

"Chad?!" Patton exclaims when he sees him. He sounds slightly horrified. And I can understand why. If that is Chad, it doesn't look like him at all. This guy is tall and blonde. Handsome. And definitely full of himself. I mean who wears leather jackets when it's this hot outside?

"Hey guys" he says as he walks by. Me and Pat are both too stunned to answer. "What did he do this summer?" I ask, well knowing that Patton probably can't answer me.

"And why is he walking around with the popular kids?"

Patton gasps as if he didn't know what happened, and I realize where I am again. I think I zoned off for a minute. "Please continue" Logan says in his usual unaffected tone. Patton leans forward and nods aggressively.

"So, he had changed a lot over the summer. Puberty had hit him like a truck, and he was playing on the football team, which automatically made him popular" I continue. "He started hanging out with us less and less. He had an overblown ego and, well, he wasn't really the nicest person to be around. But we still considered him a friend. Until..."

"Pat help me. I'm freaking out" I say after catching up to him. He laughs and asks what is going on. "A guy asked me out" I exclaim, and Patton sends me a surprised smile. "And I said yes!"

Then he starts to full on laugh at me. I look at him, confused. "Oh, Virgil. You're just going on a date. It's normal to be nervous. Especially since it's your first." I mean yeah, but did he have to laugh?

But still. What in the actual fuck am I going to do?

As usual, it's like he's reading my mind as he says: "I'm going to help you so don't worry, okay kiddo?" I nod and I feel a tiny smile, spreading across my lips. "You're the best Pat." He skips alongside me and giggles.

"I know."

Patton chuckles sadly. "I remember how excited you were" he says with a sorrowful smile. I look down at my hands. Logan is probably somewhat confused about what is going on. Of course, he doesn't know the full story. Yet.

We have been dating for a while and somehow, people know about it? Even though we are all out and have been for a while, this has apparently made the populars even more aware of us. Even though Chad doesn't really hang out with us anymore, he still tells them to back off whenever he sees them bullying us.

At least there's still that.

I'm walking down the hall after school, looking for Patton. Everyone else has pretty much left. As I round the corner to where my locker is, I see two people sucking each other's faces. Two boys sucking each other's faces. They are leaning so much into each other, I can't even tell who it is.

I try to ignore them, but they are moaning really loudly. Not only that, but they are leaning up against my locker.

"Uh could you move?" I ask awkwardly. I sense they don't want to, but they pull away from each other and I see my boyfriend looking flustered and Chad smirking.

"Wha... I... why?" I stutter. What in the actual fuck?

"Oops" Chad says, clearly not meaning it. He sends me a wicked smile.

I just turn around and run. I'm leaving my stuff and I'm leaving them. I never should have trusted either of them. I can't believe I ever did.

I run to my bike and drive home as fast as I can. If either of them followed me, I don't know. And I don't care. I don't want to see either of them ever again...

"Chad moved away not long after that and we haven't seen him since. I haven't heard anything until now" I end the story. Patton is sitting on the floor, staring at me with wide eyes and jaw dropped. Even Logan looks surprised.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Pat asks. I shrug my shoulders and look down at my hands, that are shaking slightly in my lap. I don't want to answer but I know I have to. "Because I was embarrassed" I whisper just loud enough for them to hear. Patton rises from the floor and sits down next to me. He puts his arm around my shoulder and gives me a reassuring squeeze. "You have nothing to be embarrassed about."

Logan suddenly stands up. "What do you want us to do?" he enquires determinedly. How did I end up with friends like them? I look at Patton and he smiles excitedly. Guess we're planning something. I'm not sure how this is going to end.


I really need to flesh the rest of the story out. I don't know what I'm going to do when I finish so I'm just going to add some stuff before we reach the end. Maybe some drama idk 


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