Chapter 16.

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-Roman's POV-

Virgil has been acting differently and it's a little worrying. I mean, the dude went for a walk in the rain, and came back soaking wet. He had even brought an umbrella with him.

I guess I shouldn't care since he isn't really bothering me anymore. Gosh that makes me sound so mean doesn't it?

Mostly I've just been preoccupied with rehearsals for the play. The premiere is only a week away and even though I'm not particularly worried about my performance, I still want to practice as much as possible. Since Virgil has been less annoying, I decided not to bother him by running lines myself, and instead bother Logan and make him run lines with me. 

The stage in the auditorium is the best place for vocal practice. I have a big solo song and a duet with the female lead. I know I should probably save my voice, but I can't help but sing my heart out in there.

Sometimes I pretend that there is huge crowd, giving me a standing ovation. Applauding. Cheering my name.

Sometimes I pretend I'm the only person in the world.

Sometimes I am.

-Virgil's POV-

Roman's premiere is today. I told Patton I wasn't going, and then I bought a ticket. I don't even know why. I wasn't even lying at the time. I wasn't planning on it. But I need to go.

I need to see him.

I heard he's playing the lead. In an original play I'm pretty sure. Exciting stuff. Trust me, I am excited. I do actually like musical theatre. Not participating though. Can't handle that pressure. Plus, stage fright.

I haven't been able to get him off my mind though. Wish I could. I've been responding to every message he's sent me. Lots of winky faces and flirty remarks. From both ends.

I think I might be falling. I really wish I wasn't.

-Roman's POV-

The curtain goes up in a few minutes. I'm dressed as a prince with a red sash across my chest and a golden crown on my head. It's obviously fake but seems to be pretty good quality.

I check my phone one more time.


<break a leg <3

I've read it several times already. Stared at the little heart next to the message of well wishing. I need to get over myself and focus on what is about to happen, but I can't help but smile at the fact that he's thinking about me. He's probably here. To watch me.


Take a deep breath. Relax your shoulders. Clear your mind. Ready your voice.

The curtain slowly rises, and I can barely see the crowd from the projector lights. The surge of anticipation fills me up. I feel it in my fingertips and everywhere and even though I've felt it before, I wonder if anything will ever feel like this again.


-Virgil's POV-

He's amazing. I mean, of course he is, but I am mesmerized by everything he does up there. He's acting with such passion and his voice amplified by the microphone, feels so natural coming from the stage.

He's home.

I get chills when he sings that song. That song I've heard him hum and mumble for months. Full volume. I can't describe the feeling. Seeing him so happy and so in his element. And to think I used to hate him. That wasn't even that long ago.

He's glowing. I wonder if the rest of the audience can feel it. I really hope so. I hope they're all thinking that he's gonna become a star one day.

That he has the talent. And I know he has the determination to do it. And I know I will be rooting for him on the side-lines. Even if he ends up hating me, I know I'm going to wish for him to get everything he wants in life. I want him to pursue his dreams and I want him to do everything he can so that one day I can go see him in a show on Broadway.

Singing his heart out for a loving audience. For me.

Do you think he's singing for me right now? Do you think he thought about whether or not I would be here? Watching the show?

His show. It might as well be.

-Roman's POV-

As the last scene plays out I ready myself for the applause. When it comes, it hits me like a strong wind, and I am overwhelmed. It's like ecstasy. Or I think so since I've never actually done ecstasy.

The roaring thunder of the crowd engages our bowing routine. First, the female lead and I walk up the edge, while the rest of the cast go back behind the stage. She takes a step further, curtsies and walks back to let me walk right up the edge. I give them my best princely bow and wink to a girl in the front, before walking off stage to let the rest of the cast take their bows.

The villain and the henchmen. The supporting cast. And then everyone. I walk on stage. The noise of the crowd becomes louder as we all stand on the edge of the stage. I take the hands of the people next to me.

We bow and walk off stage.

"Well done Roman" one of the henchmen says. "Congrats" someone else says. Hands on my back. Praises and well wishes from my castmates. I sneak away to get one last look at the people leaving the auditorium.

I like to watch them leave, smiling and laughing. Talking about the show they just saw. I spot quite a few people I know. From class mostly.

Then I spot a familiar patch of purple hair. Wait what? Why is he here?

He probably came with Patton. I look out for the blue polo and light brown hair in the crowd. And then I look for the dark hair and dark blue shirt. I can't spot neither him nor Logan.

That's odd.

"Hey Roman, you coming? We're going to the cast party" Will asks me. I pull my eyes away from the crowd. "Yeah I am" I say, and I shake the thought of Virgil and the others to enjoy the celebration of a successful opening night.


I personally have no idea what the musical they performed is about so if any of you have an idea, I would love to know. 


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