Chapter 3.

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Warning: Frozen spoilers (just in case someone hasn't seen it)

-Roman's POV-


Ugh I can't sleep. I have school tomorrow. And it really doesn't help that I can hear Virgil's deep breathing, from the other side of the room. If he can sleep, then why can't I?!

I turn to look at the ceiling. Just as boring as before, but it doesn't make me tired. Sigh. Whatever. It's not gonna make me tired, thinking about how not tired I am.

I lay awake for a while. Trying to convince myself that I should sleep. Obviously it didn't work. Thinking about how you are supposed to be asleep, doesn't make you fall asleep any faster. I knew that and still did it. Then a thought pops into my head.

Why didn't Olaf nearly melting to comfort Anna, count as an act of true love?

I've thought about that a lot before. It doesn't make any sense. I know that it would have ruined the climax of the movie and Anna wouldn't have been able to stop Hans killing Elsa (not in the same way at least) but still. What if that did count as an act of true love?

I sit straight up in my bed and tiptoe over to my desk. I don't want Virgil waking up and judging me. Quickly grabbing my computer, I return to bed and sit with my back up against the headboard.

I open up a new document and start writing. When inspiration strikes you have to do something about it, even it's in the early hours of the morning.

I sigh happily. I forgot how fun it is to write.


My Frozen fanfic has been saved. I yawn. My eyelids are heavy. I look at my nightstand. The alarm clock says 2:48am.


I shut down my computer and put it on the nightstand. Goodnight.

-The next day at lunch-

I'm eating lunch with Logan and telling him about my story. He isn't very interested.

"Roman, I would appreciate if you would be quiet. I am trying to read about quantum mechanics." Seriously?! As if quantum mechanics is more interesting than my Disney fanfiction.

"Ugh you're so boring Logan" I tell him.

I have trouble concentrating the rest of the day. I think about all of the alternative Disney endings I've come up with over the years. There is still a few ones saved on my computer from when I was a kid. They're really good, if I do say so myself.

-After school-

Homework. I don't understand it and frankly I don't want to do it. Virgil is listening to music and writing on his computer. Sigh. I don't get why Logan didn't want to hear my ideas. You know, I have been thinking about starting a Wattpad account. But I'm not sure.

Oh screw it, I'll write something. Maybe someone will appreciate my ideas as much as I do.

Username: Sir-Sing-A-Lot (hehe that's good)

I immediately begin writing. I find some Frozen fanart online to use as a cover. Since I had already written the story, it just needs some editing.

Aaaaaaand publish. Now I have to go back to homework. Dammit.

-Virgil's POV-

"Roman was sneaking around at 1am last night. I didn't say anything, so I don't think he knew that I was awake. But I could hear that he was typing on his computer" I tell Patton while we're eating lunch together.

"It was probably nothing" he says. I shrug. "It was still kinda weird. And I don't have anything else to do. I'm so bored." I take a bite out of my sandwich. Meh.

Patton is reading something on his phone. "What's that?" I ask. He looks up.

"Oh, it's a thing called Wattpad. You can read original stories for free. There is a lot of fanfiction and LGBTQ+ stories."

It sounds pretty cool. "You should check it out" he recommends. "I will." I take my phone out of my pocket and I download it.

Username: emo_nightmare. Fits my personality.

-A few days later-

"Thanks for showing Wattpad to me. It's really cool" I tell Patton over the phone. Roman isn't here, thank god.

"You're welcome kiddo! What have you been reading?" he asks. "Gay horror stories" I say.

He laughs. "I should have known. But you should check out some Disney fanfiction. I found a very interesting one the other day. The author writes alternative endings to the movies. I read one where Olaf saves Anna."

He tells me the name of the author and I search for them. Cool, they have more stories with alternative Disney endings. "I have to do my homework. See ya later kiddo!" Patton exclaims and hangs up.

I don't know why he calls me that. I'm a month older than him.

I read the Frozen one. It's really good. I've thought about the whole 'Olaf almost melting not being an act of true love' thing before, but I'm too lazy to put in the work of actually writing a story. Plus I honestly don't have the imagination to make up stories like that. I'm better with the visuals.

But this makes a lot of sense.

It says on the profile that they're male and gay. Ha, another thing we have in common. And we made our profiles here, on the same day? That's an interesting and kinda creepy coincidence. Whatever. I decide to message him. I don't know why. Probably because Patton would have told me to do it, when I tell him how much I liked the story.


hey i really like your frozen story. i've thought>
about it myself but could never really figure out
what would happen next.
i'm writing to you because my friend would tell
me to, when i tell him about how much i like
your story.
so i'm just writing in advance

I send it and immediately regret it.

 i'm sorry. you don't have to reply>

I wish I could delete it. I just go back to reading one of his other stories. After a little while I get a notification.

<It's Fine. I'm Glad You Liked It. Your Friend
Sounds Nice

Holy shit, he wrote back.

wow i hadn't expected you to write back so>

quickly. or at all

<I Don't Have Anything Else To Do. My Friend
Is Busy, And You Seem Nice. You Are Actually
The First Person To Write To Me On Here

well, weirdly enough, we made our profiles>
on the same day

<Really? That's Weird. And Sort Of Creepy

i know right? maybe the universe is trying>
to tell us something

Did I seriously just write that?

<Maybe ; )


Maybe the universe is trying to tell them something. Who knows?

Spoiler alert: I know 😜🤔


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