Chapter 2.

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-Virgil's POV-

-A few weeks later-

School's been pretty good. Loads of homework, but I'm learning a lot.

Living with Roman has been a challenge to say the least. He is so annoying! He sings ALL the time and he hates when I'm messy. It's not like it's on his side of the room. But he hates when I SOMETIMES leave clothes on the floor, or when there is crumbled up drawings on my desk.

I've told him that it's not his problem and that he should leave me alone. That's why we have the room separator thing. The dude literally had one of those old timey room separators. He's definitely not straight. But that doesn't make up for him being a jerk.

-Some random day-

The weather is pretty good so me and Patton are studying outside for a change. I'm telling him about the latest of things Roman's done. "I swear he does it just to annoy me."

"Kiddo I'm sure you could be great friends if you just..." Patton tries to say, but I cut him off. "Patton we have nothing in common. We can't stand each other. I hate him and he hates me."

Patton gives me a weird look. "Now hold up. I'm sure he doesn't hate you" he tries. I roll my eyes. "Just trust me okay. The dude despises me. And I don't care" I respond to him opening his mouth in protest. It doesn't matter what he has to say. Roman hates me.

"Come on Virgil. You can't say those things, when you barely know the guy" Patton insisted. "That's easy for you to say. You get along a with your roommate." I'm still salty about that. "Yeah well..." he begins. "Ugh Virge, why do have to be so stubborn?"

I shrug my shoulders. He looks annoyed and I start laughing. And he laughs along with me. Just like old times.

-Roman's POV-

School has been grand. I love my acting class. The teacher is great, and everyone is so lovely. That can't be said about my roommate though.

He is a mopey emo. A nightmare to say the least. He is messy and gets mad at me when I point it out to him. HE doesn't mind the mess, but we share this room and I don't want to look at it. And I know about the looks he gives me when he thinks I'm not looking.

Why that smug little... calm down Roman. He hates you and you hate him. Actually, I despise him. I've never met anyone to stubborn and judgmental.

-Some other random day-

I am explaining Virgil's last wrongdoing to my best friend Logan at lunch. He is no help, but I don't really have anyone else to talk about the worst roommate in the world, with.

"Roman your roommate might be stubborn and judgmental, I can't tell since I have never met him, but you are also guilty of judging him" Logan tells me. He is really annoying whenever he's being Mr. Smarty-pants and telling me what I do wrong.

"What are you talking about?! It was him that was being an anti-social emo. He didn't want to have anything to do with me. I tried to be nice" I defend myself. He gives me a look that says, 'seriously Roman?' but I don't care.

"It is unreasonable to put all of the blame on him. You are not exactly innocent in this particular situation either. I am not saying it is all your fault, but there is two sides to every story. You should listen to his side" Logan continues.

"Even if I wanted to hear his side of the story, he wouldn't care to tell me" I explain. I can tell Logan is annoyed with me. He shakes his head and changes the topic. Thank god.

I have done nothing wrong. It is all Virgil's fault.


I know this chapter was a little shorter than the last one, but I hope you still liked it. The story is developing. Slowly, but it is going somewhere, I swear


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