Chapter 24.

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Content warning: Blood, fighting

-Roman's POV-

Patton and Logan are acting really weird. They ask to speak with me in private and look serious as they tell me to sit down. I plop down on the edge of my bed. Logan sits on my desk chair like he did a couple of days ago, and Patton pulls Virgil's chair over.

"So, what's this about?" I ask. They look at each other.

"You know when Virgil warned you about Chad?" Logan begins. Immediately I'm annoyed, but I'm also curious as to what he wants to say about it. And how does he know about that?

"Virgil and I knew Chad when we were younger. We were friends, but he did something really bad" Patton says, leaning forward. He looks back at Logan for a moment and then continues. "Roman this is something he does. He manipulates people. And he cheats on his boyfriends and then makes them think it's their fault."

I think when Virgil told me about him, I didn't want to believe him, but when Logan and Patton are telling me all this, I don't know what to think.

I should've listened to him, shouldn't I?

"And he's not the person you've been messaging. Virgil is" Logan adds. I get a rushing sensation of relief and it surprises me. I shouldn't be relieved.

"But how did Chad know about the messages?" I ask.

"He saw them when he sat behind you in class or something" Patton replies, and I don't understand how that could've happened. That's the biggest plothole in their story and I'm tempted to cling to it, but I don't. Because Virgil being emo_nightmare makes sense.

"He pretended to be the person messaging you, not knowing who it was he was pretending to be. I guess us knowing each other, was just an unlucky coincidence" Patton explains.

I don't have anything to say, and I don't know what I'm gonna do. I feel lost. Maybe I didn't want to accept the truth because I knew I would feel like this. I've been lied to for weeks. I've been miserable for no reason. I didn't want to know that things could've been so different all this time.

-Virgil's POV-

Logan told me to stay out of the room for a while. But he refused to tell me why. I'm just glad the weather is nice. People are sitting outside, doing homework on the lawns. I spot a couple sitting up against a tree, holding hands.

Maybe I'll get that someday.

Logan said he'd text me when I could go back. I still haven't talked to Patton. I don't know what to say so I don't say anything. I do that a lot. Doesn't really do anything.

I walk closer to the dorm building. There's two guys heavily making out up against the wall. When I get close enough, I recognise the one with his back facing me. I'm gonna kill him.

"Is it a habit of yours to make out with people you're not dating?!" I yell after him, charging closer. Chad breaks away from the guy and turns around. I've wanted to wipe that smug smile off his face for so long. He crosses his arms and the guy whose face he was sucking, moves away slowly. Good idea.

"And why is that any of your business?" he asks. He's mocking me. I stop when I stand right on front of him. The air in the courtyard is tense. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see how people are starting to take notice. Moving closer.

Chad looks down at me. He smirks. "You really think you can beat me?" he says. I clench my fists tightly. I feel the blood rush to my face.

"You're just as naïve as Roman."

Then he turns to walk away, but I grab his shirt and pull him back. My fist swings and hits straight in the middle of his face. I hear a slight crunching sound. Like something breaking. Chad stumbles back, holding his hand over his nose. I can see the surprise and terror in his eyes. I like it.

"I didn't know you had that in you" he says after a moment, the smug smile returning. My entire body is shaking with rage.

Then he launches after me and I don't duck in time. Now I stumble back a few steps. The metallic taste of blood fills my mouth. The left side of my jaw is throbbing. 

I look at him and he's just standing there, smiling. Observing me. He thinks he's won. There's blood dripping from his nose onto his shirt. He doesn't seem to care. I spit at the ground. The spit blob is frothy and red. That shithead doesn't know who he's dealing with.

Does he really think I'm giving up after one hit? I won't go down that easy. I won't give him the satisfaction. I'm gonna wipe that smile off his face. For good.


I really hope I'm not the only one excited about this


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