Chapter 19.

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-Virgil's POV-

Why the fuck did I end up willingly seeking out the asshole that used to be my friend, and is now dating the guy I may or may not, be madly in love with?

Because I am an idiot, that's why.

Me, Pat, and Logan never really ended up planning anything useful, so I'm doing this on my own. Roman is never going to believe me and I don't want the others to act on my behalf. That would make me feel like a coward.

So, this is my plan. It's probably not a good one, considering the last time I saw him, he stole my boyfriend from me and left me with major trust issues, and a fear of opening myself up to love again.

He's also super buff and could very well beat me if it becomes physical.

I feel like I'm going to regret this. But there is no turning back now because I just saw him. Just standing around with some guys that are almost clones of him. They're swarming like bees.

He must have seen me walking towards him, since he puts his hand up, silencing his swarm. "Virgil, how nice to see you. It's been a while" he says condescendingly. I hear a snicker from one of the clones.

"Can't say I feel the same" I reply, and he smirks. "Is that a way to talk to an old friend?"

I roll my eyes. "Whatever. I have something important to talk to you about." Chad waves his hand and tells his clones to leave. They do and we're alone.

"Well," he says and crosses his arms. "I want to talk about Roman" I begin, and he stands up straighter and scoffs. He's suddenly much scarier as he's looking down at me.

"What are you doing with him?" I ask not sure if I'd chosen the right words. "What are you? His dad?" Chad mocks. My goodness he's annoying.

"No idiot. I want to know why you told him you we're the one messaging him online" I say. I realise that I've just exposed myself as the real person who's been writing to him, but it's too late to take it back now. "How did you know that?" he asks, and I see the genuine surprise on his face.

I stay silent. You're not stupid, I know you can figure this out so there is no use lying about it.

After a few seconds he says, "wait are you the one who's actually been messaging him? Oh, the irony." He laughs and I can feel the heat creeping up my neck.

God I hate this guy.

"Yeah it is me, and I would like to know why the fuck you did that. And how" I express angrily. Chad laughs and I feel so small compared to him, but I am not going to stand down.

I don't say anything and simply look at him. He stops laughing. "Fine I'll tell you" he concedes, and his arms fall to his sides dramatically. "First the how" he begins, and I stand up a little straighter. As if that would improve my hearing skills.

"I sat behind him in one of my classes at one point and I saw the messages on his computer. I just said I was him and used what I'd read as evidence."

I try not to react to his revelation, but oh my gosh. I know I'm gonna sound like a hypocrite, but that is a huge invasion of privacy. Roman's and mine.

"You are an ass" I tell him. "Thank you" he says nonchalantly and continues. "Anyway, it was pretty easy to convince him that it was me. Almost like he was so desperate to find out since he's so lonely."

That bastard. How dare he say that about him?

I quickly lift my fist to punch him in the face. Chad stops me with his hand, and I ease my expression. Once again, I feel the heat creep up my neck, this time from anger. My body shakes slightly as Chad removes his hand from mine, with a disgusted expression like I'm contagious.

I didn't want to touch him either but that was very much unnecessary. "Now now Virgil. That's not the way to get me to talk" he teases, and I give him a look of warning.

"You don't have to look at me like that" he says. I sigh and look down at the floor for a second, before looking back at him again. I'm guessing me understands my look as annoyance, cause the teasing smile disappears from his face.

He knows he has a physical advantage over me, but that he also shouldn't challenge me. However, he doesn't know how much I've changed since we last saw each other. And I'm not planning on telling him. I might need that for the future. At this point it's come clear to me that you need to have an advantage when dealing with him.

"Just tell me why" I sigh.

"Because he's hot" Chad says. "Because he felt like a challenge, and I like a challenge. Not to mention, I like a man who's easily manipulated."

My fists clench at my sides. It takes everything in me not to punch him. I take a deep breath trying to calm myself. "You can't blame me for wanting him can you?" he asks.

"I mean you obviously want him yourself. I just got there first."

Step away Virgil. Step away. He's not worth it. I take a step back to turn away from him. "Aww what's the matter darling? Sad that I took your little flirt away from you? Again" I hear him say and without thinking, I lunge my closed fist after him.

He ducks out of the way and my fist falls flat by my side. Why does he have to have such good reflexes?

"That won't do anything my friend. Maybe next time" he says and walks away leaving me alone in the hallway. I'm still shaking and breathing heavily. If I had just managed to hit him. Broken his nose or given him a black eye. Something.

It pains me to say this, but he's right. That wouldn't do anything.


I know violence isn't the answer, but I would very much like to punch him as well. Or just someone since, you know, he's fictional


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