Chapter 17.

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-Virgil's POV-

Okay Virgil, this is it. Take a deep breath. It's time. Didn't expect to be this nervous though.

"Hey Roman. I need to tell you something" I say, hoping he doesn't hear the tremble in my voice. He turns around on his chair and gives me an annoyed look. I suddenly can't stand him looking at me like that. "What do you want?"

Here we go I guess.

"I don't know how you will react, so I'm going straight to the case" I begin. He still looks annoyed, but his eyes, those brilliant eyes, shine with slight confusion. Concentrate Virgil.

"The person you've been talking to on Wattpad since the beginning of the year? It's me.
I'm emo_nightmare."

I stand there, awaiting his response. It feels like hours, until finally... he rolls his eyes. "Yeah sure" he says sarcastically. My heart breaks just a little bit. "I know it's hard to believe, because we don't exactly get along, but it really is me" I try.

"Look... I don't know what you are trying to do, or how you even know about it, but I know it's not you. I already know who it is" he tells me, and my heart drops down into the dark pit of my stomach. This was not what I expected. At all. I try to open my mouth to speak, but it's like I'm frozen.

After a few seconds, I manage to ask who, but only barely. "I don't know why it's any of your business, but his name is Chad Saxon."

Suddenly, I'm under water. I can't breathe. The waves pull me under. Roman says something that I can't hear. I've gone completely numb.

I don't think Roman notices and just stops talking. He stands up and walks past me, leaving me alone in the room.

My knees crack and I fall to the floor. Something is pressing on my chest and there's a lump forming in my throat. I can feel the tears pressing on and I don't want to cry, but I know I will.

I try to pull myself up from the floor. My knees buckle again, and I take a shuddering breath which makes tears spill onto the floor. I can't stop. They just keep coming. Silence turns to sobbing and the lump in my throat grows bigger. It feels like my heart has been ripped out of my chest. And it might has well have been. I don't... I don't understand. How did this happen?

I grab a fistful of my hair. It hurts as I pull, but not as much as the aching in my chest. I just want it to stop. I want it to go away. Why is this happening? It doesn't make sense.

I can't breathe from the sobbing. I'm so used to hyperventilating from anxiety, but this. This is not the same. It's much worse. My heart hurts so bad, I just want someone to rip it out. To make it stop. Why did I ever let this happen?

"Hey Virgil how are you... oh no" I hear Patton's voice say and a second after he is sitting next to me. He takes my head in his arms and I sob into his shirt. He doesn't say anything. He doesn't have to.

"I haven't cried since my grandma died." I sniffle. Me and Patton are still sitting on the floor. The flow of tears finally stopped. But now my shirt is wet.

"Virgil what happened?" Pat asks. He pulls me on my feet and plants me on my bed. "I told Roman the truth and he told me he already knew who it was." My voice is still hoarse after all the sobbing.

Patton doesn't say anything, as he sits down on my desk chair. "Someone is impersonating me" I continue. "Did he say who it was?" Pat wants to know. I nod.

"He said it was Chad. Chad Saxon".

Patton's eyes grow wide in surprise. "No... no that's impossible." I shrug my shoulders. I don't believe it either Pat. "That's what he said."

"I knew someone had told Roman it was him, but I never expected it to be Chad" Patton says. "Wait what, you knew?" I exclaim. He knew?! And he didn't tell me?

"Logan told me yesterday and I didn't know how to break it to you. But I didn't know it was Chad. I didn't even know that he goes here" Patton explains. He stands up and sits down next to me. "I should have told you. I'm so sorry."

I sigh. "It doesn't matter. None of it matters. I just don't know what to do". Suddenly Patton jumps up from the bed. He flashes a smile. "Alright Virge. I'm going to call Logan and we're gonna come up with a plan. Okay?"

Classic Pat. I nod. He smiles and takes his phone out of his pocket. I fall back on the bed and look up at the grey ceiling. How it's possible for there to be stains on it, I don't know.

"Hi Logie" Patton says. "We need your help."

"Okay what seems to be the issue?" Logan asks after he sits down on my desk chair. Patton decided to sit on the floor for some reason. Go off I guess.

"Well, it technically started back in middle school. Me and Patton have been best friends forever and we have never exactly been the most popular people in school. We were nerdy and weird, and probably still are" I begin. Patton smiles reassuringly. "And then Chad started at our school. He was just a shy, skinny boy with dirty blond hair and braces."

Patton looks partly excited and partly terrified. I never told him the whole story. It was the only thing that I could never make myself tell him.

"We kinda took him in" I continue. "He became a good friend. But then... "


Wrote most of this when I was first starting out with writing the story, and edited it more recently. I can personally tell that I've gotten better at writing since then, but I really hope you can't see my old writing style in this chapter.

Also I'm sorry it's taken so long for an update. My head is not in the best place and I have barely been writing. I appreciate the people who are still interested in this story, though I don't blame you if you aren't anymore 

Okay it's been even longer now, since I wrote that entry. I haven't written anything on this story since February 2022 (it's now October 23rd). I have 3 chapters prewritten from before February, but chapter 21 and onward are completely new and my writing might be very different. It also might not. But just so you know. I really hope I can get back into this story and finally finish it soon-ish. I might also post the prewritten chapters soon, just because.


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