Chapter 5.

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-Virgil's POV-

I'm sitting in class, bored out of my mind. I am on the edge of falling asleep. Sitting in the back of the classroom, just scrolling through the internet. I know I should be listening to the teacher, but my head is so full already.

I go to Wattpad just to do something, when I see a notification. Message from Sir-Sing-A-Lot...


<I Totally Agree.
I Got Nothing Else To Say, But I Really Wanted
To Talk With You, So Hey There ; )

I can suddenly feel my cheeks heat up. Oh my god, why am I blushing?!

lame excuse but i'll take it : )>

<Lame Excuse?! Well I never!...
Okay You're Kind Of Right
But Do I Really Need An Excuse To Talk To You? ; )

Okay seriously, why am I blushing? And what's with the winky faces?

well i don't know ; )>

maybe you do need an excuse to talk to me

<Being Difficult Now Are We?

me? difficult? well i never!...>

<Haha You're So Funny

i know, but don't be sarcastic. that's my job>

<So I'm Not Allowed To Be Sarcastic?

nope ; )>

-Roman's POV-

I know I should be participating in class, but it's much more fun writing with Emo Nightmare. And he keeps replying. I have to answer because I don't want him to worry.

Wait what?

That's... interesting. Maybe I care about him more than I thought. Huh.


Don't You Think That's A Bit Unfair?>

<no i don't think that's unfair. it's no fun
if we're both the sarcastic one

Oh, So If You're The Sarcastic One, Then>
Who Am I?

This could go either way.

<well who do you wanna be?

I don't think anyone's ever asked me that.

I Don't Know. Can I Be The Handsome>
And Talented One? ; )

<wellllll i can't exactly tell you since i
don't know if either of them are true

<and if anything i think i would be the
handsome one

Ha sneaky little emo. He thinks he's more handsome than me. And yet a have a feeling that he is.

Well You Might Be ; )>
I Can't Know Since You Won't Give
Me Your Insta

-Virgil's POV-

I start to blush even more. I try not to smile ridiculously so my teacher catches me. Seriously, what is this guy doing to me?
And I already told him why I don't want to give him my Instagram account. It's mainly because I don't have one. But also... no Virgil don't think about it. Just reply like he didn't make you think about it.


thanks for the compliment ; )>
but i can't exactly give you my insta because i
don't have one

<Why Not?

i prefer tumblr>

<That Makes Sense. I Guess...

I don't know what to reply. I kind of want to stop this conversation, but I also don't want it to end.

<Oh God, My Teacher Caught Me
We'll Continue This Later ; )

Seriously what is with those winky faces?!


Sorry this chapter is a bit shorter, but I still think it's cute.


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