Chapter 22.

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-Patton's POV-

"Hey Virgil. I haven't seen you in a couple of days, and you haven't responded to any of my messages. I just wanted to know how you're doing. If you're okay. I'm really sorry about what happened, so could you please call me back? Okay. Bye kiddo."

It's the tenth time I've called him. I've sent him over 30 messages. I even went to knock on his door twice. Both times, Roman answered saying Virgil wasn't there. I haven't heard from him in 3 days. It's killing me.

"Patton I know you miss him, but maybe you should give him some space" Logan says. His voice is soft, and I can see the worry on his face. He sits down on my bed next to me and pulls me into his lap. He does that a lot. I think he likes protecting me. I'm not complaining.

I nuzzle myself into him. He squeezes my hand. "He's my best friend" I say, my voice barely above a whisper. The warmth of Logan's body is comforting.

"I know, but babe" he begins, tracing soft circles on my back. "Sometimes best friends fight, and that's okay. Sometimes it's necessary. And Virgil is clearly struggling and needs space right now."

He's right as usual, but my heart still hurts. I really do miss him. We used to talk every day and now...

"Do you think it would help if I told him Roman's miserable too?" I mumble into Logan's neck. He chuckles. It's a warm comforting sound. It's rings in my head.

"We really need to do something about those two don't we" he says. I look up at him. A giggle escapes my lips and I tell him that we really do. "The question is how" Logan continues. He's stuck in his head for a moment, and I just sit and admire him.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" he asks when he stops his train of thought.

"You're pretty."

"Well um... thank you... for that" he mumbles, trying not to blush. It's fun how easy it is to get him all flustered like this. I take every opportunity.

-Virgil's POV-

Yet another voicemail from Patton. I don't want to listen to them. I don't want to see anyone or talk to anyone. I'm so embarrassed about how I behaved. I'm so mad at myself for yelling at him. I hate it. I hate that I yelled at my best friend, because of my own dumb issues.

I rub my eyes. I haven't been sleeping well the last few days. And my teacher rambling on about whatever is not helping me stay awake. I kinda just want to die. Just a little bit you know?

I've been avoiding Roman like the plague, trying to be in the room, when he's there, as little as possible. I go on a lot of walks.

I haven't been drawing. Haven't had the energy. I've really just been trying to drown myself in my music and just not think. I wish I could just stop thinking.

Class is over and I just want to collapse. I make my way back to my room, the movement keeping me from falling asleep in the middle of the hallway. When I get to my room I open the door and Roman is sitting on his bed with his computer in this lap. Shit.

I go in and close the door. He doesn't look up. I don't think I could handle it if he did. I put my bag on the desk and plop down on my bed, face buried in the pillow. There's a slight creak from Roman's side of the room.

I lay like that for 2 minutes before sitting up, taking off my shoes and getting more comfortable. I might just fall asleep right now.

-Roman's POV-

When Virgil comes into the room, I look at him through the corner of my eye. He looks dishevelled. Exhausted. The dark circles under his eyes are real and not makeup as usual. How did that happen? Wait why do I care?

I focus my attention back unto my computer. I stroll back through me and Chad's messages.


<i got all giddy when i saw you'd
messaged me. i freaking hate you

You Know I Kinda Doubt That.>
I Think You Like Me ; )

<that is slander sir. i will sue you!

<okay but for real. i do like you.
more than i'd like to admit

I'm replaying my memories. Looking for clues. Trying to find the similarities between the person I'm dating and the person who wrote these messages. I know it's him, so why doesn't it feel like it?

I don't get butterflies when he texts me like I used to. And I don't feel like how I expected to. I don't look forward to being with him. I don't feel anything when he kisses me. And he doesn't make me laugh. He doesn't make my heart beat faster.

He makes me feel sad. And pathetic. He makes me miserable and yet I don't want to leave. And I don't know why. 


I'm finally getting back into this story. I had kinda lost the interest in it and then I read some of the previous chapters and got really into it again. I'm invested in this story as if it's not actually me writing it


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