Chapter 26.

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Content warning: Blood, mentions of bruises and cuts

-Roman's POV-

When we finally come up for air, I lean my head against his. The curve of my nose fits with where his forehead bends and we just stand there with our eyes closed for a minute or so. Just catching our breaths and enjoying the quiet and each other's warmth.

I lean away and we're both smiling. I don't think I've ever seen him smile like this. It makes me want to kiss him again. He looks so beautiful. Even with the new bruises and cuts.

I can't believe I never realised.

He giggles like a little kid when he lets go of me. I wish we could stay like that. I unwillingly let go of him, but don't step back. There's barely any space between us and it seems neither of us wants to move.

"We should um... we should probably..." he mumbles. It's cute.

Then someone squeals and we both look in the direction of the sound, confused. Patton is jumping up and down with the biggest smile on his face. Logan stands next to him, looking at Patton with the sweetest smile I've ever seen on him.

"Iiiiihhhh Prinxiety is real!" Patton declares excitedly. Virgil and I turn to look at each other and we start laughing as soon as our eyes meet.

We start walking over to the happy couple and I take Virgil's hand. I can tell he's blushing even though he tries to hide it behind his bangs. Patton sees this and Logan has to hold him down, so that he doesn't jump into the sky from pure happiness. He's almost happier about this than me.


"Uh, I can't believe it finally happened. You two are meant for each other" Patton exclaims. I turn to look at the man beside me, whose hand I'm still holding in mine, and I catch his eyes. They're glittering in the sunlight.

"Yeah I think so too" I say, not breaking away from Virgil's eyes. The eyeshadow he always wears under his eyes, is smudged from the fight. I guess he had the energy to put it on today.

A drop of blood rolls down his chin from his lower lip and drops unto his shirt. It leaves a tiny red mark on the fabric. It's not the only one.

How did I not notice that when I was kissing the same lip?

"You're bleeding" I say concerned. I reach up to touch his lip, but stop myself before my fingers reach his mouth.

"It's fine" he begins. "It's just a tiny cut. That's what happens when you get into fights. You get hurt."

I roll my eyes. How can he be so nonchalant about this? "Yeah I'm not letting you bleed to death. Let me fix that" I say. I'm still holding his hand, so I tighten the grip and start dragging him across the courtyard, over to the door.

"Fine" he chuckles. "You're so dramatic." I look back at him, slowing down. His eyes sparkle like the stars. He smiles mischievously.

"Patton, Logan help me! I'm being kidnapped!" he yells not looking away from me. He smirks and I turn away and speed up, still holding Virgil's hand tightly. The other two run after us, playing along.

"We'll save you Virgil" Patton shouts. When they catch up to us, I stop, and they do too. I don't let go of Virgil's hand. Not yet. 

Then we all start to laugh. Even Logan. I finally release Virgil's hand, but I'm pleasantly surprised when he puts his arm around my waist instead. "I thought you said you were going to fix me" he says playfully.

"You weirdo" I tell him, and we all start walking towards the dorms.

"Also, Patton. What is... Prinxiety?"

"It's your ship name of course." He says it like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Our ship name?" Virgil repeats, just as confused as me. 

"Yeah your ship name. You do know what that is right?" he asks as Logan holds open the door, as we walk into the building. I catch Logan smiling.

Virgil and I both nod and Patton continues his explanation. "Well, I tried to find you guys a ship name, but I couldn't come up with any good ones for your real names, so I came up with Prinxiety instead. It stands for Prince and Anxiety."

"And I'm the Prince right?" Virgil jokes and we all laugh again. We get to Virgil's and my room, and I open the door. Virgil has to let go of me so that we can get through. He plants himself on his bed.

"We should probably leave these two lovebirds alone" Logan says, smirking at me. I'm tempted to stick out my tongue at him. Instead, I mouth 'thank you'. He takes Patton's hand and drags him out of the room, like I dragged Virgil before.

"Have fun. But not too much fun" Patton says as he closes the door. I chuckle. It's a little early for that kind of stuff.

"Sooo..." Virgil's says.

"Sooo..." I repeat with a smile.

He's swinging his legs back and forth over the edge of his bed. Another drop of blood falls from his chin and unto his shirt. It's a Black Parade shirt. The tiny red dots are clearly visible on the white fabric. It kinda fits with the aesthetic.

"Wait here" I say and leave the room. I know we have paper towels in the room, but I need a moment to collect my thoughts. What is going to happen between us after this? Are we gonna start dating? We haven't always been that nice to each other. And what exactly is this whole Chad thing even about?

I grab some paper towels from the bathroom and make my way back to the room. We really have to talk about these things. I wonder if we can even figure out how to communicate properly.

I get a surging pain in my chest when I remember the way I dismissed him. God I'm such an idiot.

Virgil is sitting in the exact same place as he did when I left. He's pulled out his phone and is casually scrolling. He looks up at me when I close the door. I get the feeling he's been thinking the same things as me.

"Here" I say and hold out the paper towels. He slowly takes it with a confused look on his face.

"For your lip."

"Oh. Thanks."

He puts it on his lip to stop the bleeding even though there wasn't that much blood to stop. But it's better than letting it drip on his shirt.

It's only now that he's sitting down, that I notice the bruises and cuts on his legs. His black jeans are full of holes and drops of blood runs down his pale legs.

Guess I need to fix that up too.


Apparently I'm also a sucker for this trope


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