Chapter 13.

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-Roman's POV-

I don't think you're supposed to spend Christmas alone. Not that my family ever cared about that. I wonder what it's like. You know, not spending Christmas alone. I hope to one day have a family to spend Christmas with. With kids.

And a husband.

I wonder if my husband is going to be emo_nightmare. I wonder if he's thinking the same things about me. I wonder...

I jump out of my seat as the sound of the door opens. "Shit you scared me" I exclaim as my heart rate slows down. "Oh sorry Roman. I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out. You've been sitting in your room alone, for a while" Samantha, a girl from theatre class says.

I shake my head. "Well that's too bad" she replies and begins to close the door, before she sticks her head in again and says, "Merry Christmas by the way", before closing the door. I put my head in my hands. I sigh escapes my lips. I sigh again and it intensifies into a groan, and I want to scream. I need to get out of here. I need air.

As I close the door behind me, after having stepped out of my room, I start to walk towards the exit. It doesn't get very cold outside in the winter. Afterall, it's Florida. So my jacket and jeans are just fine. But I still can't help the cold feeling that's coming from somewhere inside me.

I pull out my phone. The last message I sent was yesterday. On Christmas eve. He hasn't replied yet and I can't help but wonder why. It also took him a while to message back in the beginning of the holiday. I've read my last message over and over in the last few hours. Did I say something wrong?


Hi. I Don't Want To Seem Desperate>
But I Get Kind Of Worried About You
When You Don't Reply

I sound like an idiot. God I hate myself.

<it's fine. i'm just trying to participate

in the festivities. even when i don't feel
like it

<is there something you wanted to say?

No There Isn't. Everything Is Fine>
I'm Just Bored. And A Little Lonely

<to be honest, i'm a little lonely myself

Really? Why?>

<i don't know. guess you have more
reason to be lonely

I Feel Like That's Redundant. Don't>
Feel Bad About Your Loneliness, Just
Because I'm Lonely

<ha, i guess you're right. maybe i
should go participate. for you. and
i guess a bit for myself too

Seems Like A Good Idea : ) >

Maybe I should too.

-Virgil's POV-

I still have to make Patton tell his parents about Logan, so I guess I should go down and make him. We opened gifts earlier and now we're all just chilling at Patton's. I went upstairs to Patton's room just to be alone a bit. It's weird how little his room's changed since we were little.

Still the same sky blue walls. Still the same bean bag chair in the corner, that's gotten flat over the years. Still the same bulletin board filled with pictures of baby animals, and a few of me and Pat from years ago. And some newer ones too. He's got a picture from every single first day of school. Even the ones from 8th and 9th grade. Thankfully he cut Him out of those and it's only the two of us, smiling. Him with freckles on his nose and braces. Me with messy hair and a clip on earring I stole from my mom.

Gosh that's such a long time ago.

I pull away from there and proceed to go downstairs. As I walk into the living room, I am met with Scarlett watching Home Alone with Patton, all the parents at the dining table. "Virgil!" Scarlett exclaims. "Sit here with me." She pats the cushion on her other side.

I walk over and place myself there. She pulls my arm to move me closer, and I scoot so were sitting very close up against each other. Patton rolls his eyes over head at me. I grin.

"So Pat, how's Logan doing?" I ask, trying very hard not to laugh. He gives me the death stare, as Scarlett turns her head around to face him. "Who's Logan?" she wants to know. I can feel the suspicion in her tone.

"What are you guys talking about?" I hear my mom say. "Patton has a boyfriend" Scarlett announces.

"Scar!" Patton exclaim in horror, as all three parents quickly remove themselves from the table and sit down on the floor. I pause the movie. "Patton, is this true?" his dad, Paul, demands.

"I mean... I... no... well... yeah?"

I want to burst out laughing at the sight of the shocked faces of his parents, my mom and Scarlett. "Oh Pat congrats!" Sarah says with a big smile. "Why didn't you say so?"

"I don't know" Patton replies with a shy smile. "Okay, but why didn't you tell me?" Scar says and looks at me annoyed. "Because it's not my thing to tell" I answer, and she looks disappointed, in her defeat. She understands what I meant, but I know she's not happy with my answer.

"But tell us about him" my mom begins. Patton blushes. "Oh this is serious."

"Umm, well. He's my roommate" he hesitates. Scarlett sits up in her seat. "Don't make it weird Scar."

"I won't" she grins deviously. I roll my eyes at her. I know that look all too well. I know she's going to tease him about this for ages. I probably will too.

"But he's very smart and polite, and even though he can come across as cold, he's so kind and thoughtful to the people he cares about" Patton continues. Everyone is silent and looking at Patton, who's not even noticing that we've gone quiet.

"And he's so sweet when he's telling me about something he's passionate about. And I love the way he looks so concentrated when he's working. And he's so handsome and a really good kisser."

I cover Scarlett's ears, while Patton blushes at the last bit. "Sorry" he mumbles.

"Don't apologise Pat" Scar says after removing my hands from her ears. "It's really cute."

Patton looks down at his hands in embarrassment. Scarlett giggles. "You have to bring him home sometime, Patton" Paul adds.

"Yeah. I will" he agrees.


I wrote this chapter so quickly, I'm really proud of myself. One of my classes have been really good for writing because we just sit and write for about an hour. It's nice and quiet and I actually want to write in there. Also really nice for my mental health, which has been kind of shitty lately.


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