Chapter 21.

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-Virgil's POV-

"Roman I need to talk to you." He looks at me, with an annoyed expression. I've been gathering up the courage for a while, but the disdain in his eyes are enough to rip out any amount I had in me. I hate that he has this effect on me.

"What do you want now?" he asks. His voice is venomous. My legs feel like jelly, and I want to run away and hide.

"Chad is using you" I say. Hadn't expected to spit it out like that. Roman doesn't even flinch and just turns around in his chair and away from me. Why the fuck did I have to fall for this idiot?!

I grab the back of his chair and turn it around. Roman looks surprised at my forcefulness, but I don't care. He needs to listen to me. "I'm telling you. He is using you. I know him. He is no good" I say. Get it through your thick skull.

"And why should I believe you?" he asks, and I'm thrown. I let go of his chair and take a step back. "Why should I listen to anything you have to say? You don't like me." Not true. Anymore.

"And I don't like you."

My heart beats so loud. It's almost as if it wants to jump from my chest. I guess I should've expected this. Why didn't I expect this? He's never had a reason to like me. So, why does this make me want to die?

I turn around and walk out of the door, leaving Roman behind, not knowing. And I just keep walking until I get to Patton's room. For a moment I just stand and stare at the numberplate on the door. Then I raise my hand and knock. Only a second after, the door opens and Patton smiles.

"Hey Virge. What's up?" he asks, his tone peppy and kind as usual. I step inside. Patton's side of the room is full of trinkets and teddy bears. Twinkly lights and animal posters. Logan's got school supplies and a lot of books, everything in perfect order. The contrast is astounding, but Patton seems to have made his mark, with a single teddy bear on Logan's bed.

"I warned Roman about Chad" I say and sink down unto Patton's bed. His room is weirdly comforting. He's brought so much stuff from his room it's almost as if we're 11 again, playing Mario Kart in his room.

"Oh kiddo" Patton begins, and sits down next to me. "Are you okay?" I guess from my tone and demeanour, it's pretty obvious it didn't go well.

I shrug. "I don't know" I say. Am I okay? I just feel kinda numb. And hopeless. Patton puts his arm around me, and I lay my head on his shoulder. It's kind of ridiculous how many times we've sat this exact way. When grandma died. When a bully called me a freak. When Chad stole my boyfriend the first time. He's always been there.

"It's gonna be okay" Patton says, trying to comfort me, but I can't help the anger that starts bubbling under my skin. "It's gonna work out in the end."

"How do you know that?" I ask, standing up. Patton looks at me with a surprised expression. My tone is angrier than I expected it to be. I don't talk like this. Not to Patton.

"I don't, but I think it will" he says. I can sense the nervousness in his voice. It makes me angrier. I start pacing around the room, not being able to contain myself enough to sit still.

"How?!" I ask, the desperation clearly visible in my voice. Patton stands up and puts his hands up and I stop pacing.

There's genuine worry in his eyes. I've seen it before, but not like this. Not as a response to my behaviour. It's like he's scared of me. For me. We both know I don't act like this. "Virgil, can we just talk about this?" he says. He's trying to be calm, to calm me down.

I clench my fists. I feel the blood rush to my face. "Talking is not going to do anything!" I yell. Patton flinches. "It's fucking hopeless and there's nothing you or Logan or I can do about it!" I don't like how I sound, but I've felt the lava bubbling in my veins for weeks, just waiting to spill over. Waiting for me to break.

Patton takes a step closer, his hands still raised. His palms facing me. It's almost like he's using it as a shield to protect himself against me. I don't like that. "Virgil, please. I'm trying to help. I just want to help you."

He sounds desperate. As he slowly walks closer to me, I feel the walls coming closer. Threatening to slowly suffocate me. I don't move. Patton puts his hands on my arms, in an attempt to steady me. The feeling of his hands are familiar, and I hate it.

I shake his hands off. I don't want him touching me. "Just leave me alone" I say and walk out the door. It slams behind me. The hallway is silent. Then I run.


I feel like my writing is different from the last chapter (it has been 9 months), but I honestly can't tell. Can you tell? I mean I hope I've gotten better, but not to the point that it throws anyone off


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