Chapter 10.

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-Roman's POV-

"I told you Logan. I'm not going home for Christmas!"

He rolls his eyes at me as I'm helping him pack. "I'm serious. I'm staying here. I don't want to go home" I repeat since he didn't get the message the first time I said it. Logan ignores me and continues putting clothes and books into a black suitcase.

"You know how my family is. I wanted to go here because it's far away from California and my parents" I continue as I walk around his room. "What about your brother?" Logan asks uninterested. I give him an annoyed look and I can see the corner of his mouth curling up slightly. He just loves to aggravate me.

"You know I don't like to talk about him" I reply, trying not to reveal my irritation at the mention of Remus. Ugh I don't even like to think his name.

Logan doesn't seem to pick up on it, but I know he did that on purpose. He knows very well how much I hate my brother. "You could just come and celebrate Christmas with my family, Roman" Logan suggests for the tenth time this week.

And it really doesn't have anything to do with his family. His moms are really nice and all, but I would just ruin the fun. "You don't want me to drag down your time with your family. And either way, my parents would just find out I was in the city, and would want me to come home, and I really don't want that to happen."

Logan stops packing and looks up at me. The look on his face gives me no clue, as to what he's thinking. After a few seconds he just shakes his head and continues to pack. His suitcase is full of textbooks and other school related things. Most of it probably isn't even homework. He just likes to do extra work. Sometimes I just don't get him.

"Well, merry christmas anyway" I say as he zips his suitcase.

"Merry christmas" Logan says and reaches his hand out to shake mine. I roll my eyes and smile before giving him a hug. When I pull away, he is giving me one of those typical teacher looks. Like he's trying to tell me that I did something stupid, but he didn't really mind. You know?

"I have to leave now, or I will be late for my flight" he reminds me, and I step away so he can pass. I bow to him dramatically, as if he's a prince and I'm a servant. I mean in real life it would obviously be the other way around, but we're just pretending now.

When I stand up, Logan is standing in the door, rolling his eyes at me. I give him my best smile. "Remember to close the door when you leave" he says.

"Aye, aye, captain" I answer and salute him. He closes the door without another word.

Ahh he loves me.

-Virgil's POV-

"How come you waited till the last minute to pack kiddo? That's not like you" Patton asks concerned. To be honest I've just been so distracted lately, because of the whole Roman thing. It's kind of killing me.

"Oh I've just been busy with school and stuff" I lie, hoping he doesn't notice the uncertainty in my voice. "Alright" he says. I have a feeling he knows I'm not being honest, but I appreciate that he doesn't point it out.

I continue anxiously throwing stuff into my bag. Patton keeps taking my clothes up and folding it. I know he's trying to be helpful, but for some reason, it annoys me. And the silence is unbearable. But I still don't say anything. This has never been this tense between us. He's my best friend, I shouldn't feel this uncomfortable around him.

"Are you excited about going home?" he asks in an attempt to make it less awkward. "Yeah. I miss my mom and my room."

I turn to face him, and I guess he notices the anxiety, confusion, panic or whatever it is, in my eyes, because he asks me what's wrong and I say nothing. Why don't I just tell him what's going on?

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